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QoS not working

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Hi, I have recently discovered that the QoS is actually degrading my internet. I am a new streamer and am having issues with my streaming quality. I have 40mb down/4mb up. My testing doesn't have those results. When I try to stream my upload is extremely low and hence my stream is really slow. I checked the "never" option for the bufferbloat and still bad upload for streaming. I deactivated QoS and and the streaming check is better, stream is good. What would be the a reason for this?

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What Firmware is currently loaded?
What is the Mfr and model# of the ISP modem the NG router is connected too? 

Is this wired or wireless streaming? 

Are you getting to spec speeds with a wired PC and using Ooklas installable speed test app? 



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I have the xr500 nighthawk and there is no modem as it's a fiber optic line. I have a wired connection for streaming. And when I do a speed test through the modem and speed test.net I get almost the speeds I pay for. But when I try and stream my upload is drastically lower. The OBS software I use has an internal bandwidth and hardware test to auto the settings and I get poor results for my upload. After I deactivated the QoS the test came back good and I was able to stream.

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I have the XR500 and I've been a part time stream for years.

Your upload speed is a bit low for a quality stream & gaming.

I'd suggest keeping the Anti-BufferBloat set to %100

Good luck streaming it's really fun!

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Okay, is that really your answer to my issue with the xr500? My upload is plenty for 720p @30 frames. My upload has nothing to do with my deactivating the QoS function on the router and as a result my stream work. Before I deactivated the QoS, I could not stream. Now I can since my deactivating the QoS. I hope I have made myself clear on the problem. Please, if you have a real solution for this problem, let me know. Thank you.

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What might be happening is that the DumaOS Classified Games Traffic Prioritization setting might be delaying your stream.

I'd suggest disabling this option, and instead prioritising TCP port 1935 on the device you're streaming from. Apparently this is the port that OBS uses for network communication.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so the recommendations you gave did not help, still can not stream or even download over 6 mbs. for some reason my pc is capped at that download speed. I am wired and have 40 down, 4 up for interner speed. Speed test shows my correct speeds, but every time I download or update an app i max out at 5-6 mbs. Any suggestions or reasons for this?

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Your internet speeds are shown as Mbps which are MegaBits per second and downloads are shown in MBps which are MegaBytes per second. 1 MBps roughly equates to 8 Mbps so for 40 Mbps you will get about 5MBps which is normal so that is working just fine, you're not losing any speeds its just the unit change. If you're trying to stream at 720p at 30fps then you're right on the cusp of what of being able to do that or it will actually take slightly more than the upload speed you have so if you're trying to stream at 1080p then you'll have even more trouble. Especially if other devices are using the network which they will be because you're playing games at the very least which require upload. Basically if you want to stream at a decent quality you'll need to purchase a different internet package that has a higher upload speed.

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