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QOS on the xr450 inferior?

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I can't seem to get rid of bufferbloat with my xr450, with my R1 yes, I can do that and therefore I get better gameplay, with xr450 not so much is too laggy.

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21 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

How are you measuring bufferbloat - dslreports? Have you tested using PingPlotter to see what Anti-bb settings keep the ping as low as possible when the connection is saturated?

Yes, I use Dslreports to do the measuring but with my XR 450 is all over the place, it doesn't matter how much I lower it, I still haven't figured out how to use PP.  Is there a video showing how to lower your ping using PP? If not someone have to do it. 

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Sure, the reason we don't suggest DSLReports is because it doesn't saturate your connection properly. If you saturate your connection using downloads/streams and then follow this guide while changing your Anti-BB percentages to see what lowers the ping/keeps it as stable as possible http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

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32 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Sure, the reason we don't suggest DSLReports is because it doesn't saturate your connection properly. If you saturate your connection using downloads/streams and then follow this guide while changing your Anti-BB percentages to see what lowers the ping/keeps it as stable as possible http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

This is at idle speed, cable connection all my ethernet cable are CAT 6, I had DSL which was more steady, so what do you think? so it goes 15ms to 40ms.


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That's not too bad, I would see if your idle is the same when connected direct to modem if it's like that normally then you do have some jitter on your line which may not be fixable. Then I would try some other percentages on Anti-BB see if you can get it any flatter.

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4 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's not too bad, I would see if your idle is the same when connected direct to modem if it's like that normally then you do have some jitter on your line which may not be fixable. Then I would try some other percentages on Anti-BB see if you can get it any flatter.

I will try that when everyone is sleeping because right now everyone here wants to lynch me.

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20 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's not too bad, I would see if your idle is the same when connected direct to modem if it's like that normally then you do have some jitter on your line which may not be fixable. Then I would try some other percentages on Anti-BB see if you can get it any flatter.

This is a direct connection to the modem and computer, no doubt R1 is doing its thing. Multiples streams.



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34 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What about trying other percentages on Anti-BB following the guide and saturating the connection?

The lower I get the worse it gets so far I got 70/60 still.

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On 11/30/2019 at 10:37 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

You can go higher as well, also try in 5 increments not just 10.

New modem CM 1000 old modem cm600, new modem I see red lines under heavy loads, multiples streams. Pachet loss?



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The red line on the graph does indicate packet loss. Hard to tell exactly where it's occurring as can't see the whole program but appears to be either within the home or just like one hop from you. Do you get it when there is nothing saturating it as that would be more concerning.

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I did not test without saturating 

41 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

The red line on the graph does indicate packet loss. Hard to tell exactly where it's occurring as can't see the whole program but appears to be either within the home or just like one hop from you. Do you get it when there is nothing saturating it as that would be more concerning.

I think it the new modem cm1000 is giving packet loss, I did not test without saturating, I will do more testing, but either way it shouldn't happen, I don't see packet loss with the old modem even when I saturated the line. 

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22 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You're right, it shouldn't happen. It could be that it's taking a little time to sync with your connection, speeds can be reduced etc during this time so I'd give it a chance and see if it settles.

Thanks for the information. 

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5 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You're right, it shouldn't happen. It could be that it's taking a little time to sync with your connection, speeds can be reduced etc during this time so I'd give it a chance and see if it settles.

How does this one look? MB8600 modem Heavy load, saturated, multiples streams.

Screenshot - 2019-12-02T162559.124.png

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2 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That doesn't look too bad to be fair. I would expect some packet loss when saturated without QoS and doesn't seem to happen too often. You likely wouldn't notice it either.

I was getting better results with the Netgear Cm1000 (Netgear) for some reason than with this new modem MB8600 (Motorola). Packet loss with the CM1000 were far between than with MB8600 and also the ping under heavy loads were about 30 ms compare to this one around 50 ms if I remember correctly. Measurements taken from PingPlotter. 

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