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XR 500 vs XR 300 Performance


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Hi, I wrote a post a few months ago in which I complained about the performance of the xr500 bufferbloat compared to the xr300 I had ... I then decided to return the xr500 and I continued to use the 300 ... recently I wanted to try again to buy an xr500 for another home hoping that some firmware updates have been released, the connection management and bufferbloat have improved.
I have tested with ping plotter and with dsl report and it always turns out to be worse above all in the upload ... I wonder how it is possible that a version with more powerful cpu and of superior category has of the inferior performances.
I say this because on the web there are several discussions in which people complain about this problem and some have returned to using R1 or other routers.

Thanks for the attention.

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There should be no difference at all. Could you provide the differences you're getting between the firmware through PingPlotter? Are the same exact settings used on both routers? Have you re-done the PingPlotter guide/test on each to see if a different percentage may work better on one than the other?

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I tried both the same settings as the 300 and tried to "play" with the bufferbloat sliders and I notice that the 300 has a much more stable connection ...
Not that the 500 is lousy but the 300 gives me on dsl report all on A + and on ping plotter I see a graph much more linear.
Also known in the game a certain delay in some situations.
I understand that dls report is not 100% reliable but it sounds strange to me that trying the two routers on the same connection will behave differently.

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I've tested today the xr500 with ping plotter in idle and under load (download a big file).

I don't know why there are packet loss from my Modem (Fritz Box 7530), from the xr500 and from a server that you can see.

Anyway the graph is a bit unstable.

First image is in idle second under load:




And here there are the dls report result with the upload spikes:


Annotazione 2019-11-28 122641.png

Annotazione 2019-11-28 122722.png

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  • Netduma Staff

Those graphs don't look bad - a little jittery, but considering the jitter is only about 5ms even under load that's not bad at all. You haven't got any major spikes happening :)

Routers will vary, I would've expected the 500 to be a little more stable but there are so many factors at work. It's hard to tell what is causing the differences. Are you sure your test conditions are exactly the same for both routers?

Could be settings, could be time of day, could be something else in your house using bandwidth at the time...

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Yes the test condition and settings are the same... I seen the same problem when i bought another xr500 few months ago and rma it... When i connect the new xr500 that arrived two days ago notice the same thing... First of all the line of the upload on speedtest (ookla and dls report) is more unstable compared to xr300. 

Maybe on my line the xr300 work better 😅

I do not know what to think 😅

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The difference in the ping there is neglible really, you wouldn't notice the different at all. As Jack said there a lot of variables so it would be extremely hard to pin down where this occurs just for the sake of a few ms. If XR300 is working better for you then stick with that!

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That's why I don't really like DSLReports because it's not saturating the connection properly when doing the test. I would just focus on the PingPlotter which show it's not too bad at all. You won't get bufferbloat when QoS is enabled but it's just about finding that percentage that can limit it as much as possible.

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