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Stability of the Netduma R1 or my network

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Hello ,

I will try to explain my trouble on the forum .

First of all sorry if i make some mistake's or explain things in a strange way , i am Belgian and speak french or dutch .

But i think if i explain it in English i will reach more people .

Everything works fine fore weeks , but from the holiday start and servers of Activision are overload it become difficult to play game's.I have a really bad hit detection , i see it to on the hours i play .

When i play in the day , i am dead , not hit marks and i feel i buy the Netduma so other players have fun  , i die with the speed of light . 2 bullets and its done . But when i play on later hours , it go's better . Is it because the server are less overload , i don't know !?

Fact is i have to often reboot my r1 one , because when i do a ping test it go's from exceptional to oke or good without a reason .

Things can even change in a game , first 4 min i suck like hell en after that i destroy's everything i see !

Really strange how things change in a short time of period without explanation , so if someone can help me ?

I really will appreciate it , if there are question , ask , i will response so fast as possible .

Greets, Balbo88 aka @darkghost88 ;)

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Hello there budy and welcome to the DUMA ARMY


Now what you have describe sounds more like your local internet congestion or over congestion problem. Here is a link to expalenation of what i casuing us to lag

http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=what_is_lagso you get better understading of it.

and this link is a description of how duma features target lag

http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=dominate_lag_using_the_netduma_r1so you get even better understading.


We have a lang suport link ich you have a read and then post all the info here it will be very helpfull to asist you further.



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Wow , so fast response ! 

I am in a dream :) 

Thx lukasz , i really appreciate your help .

I will read it and post the information you need .

It will by little later in the evening , but thanks again :)

See you later  

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Hey Balbo, welcome to the forum, thanks for making this post. So on the Internet Diagnosis test, the ping goes from exceptional - ok - good and just fluctuates a lot? That test indicates issues with your line as it disconnects everything from the router so that may be something you should ring your internet service provider about. What are your Geo-filter settings?

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Okay and is that with strict mode on or off? Have you tried ping assist at 0 as well? Also scroll to the bottom of any page on the R1 if you are on a version less than 1.03.4 you'll have to upgrade by following these instructions http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=manual_updatealso please make sure auto cloud and bleeding edge are ticked and applied in settings > miscellaneous. 

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Strict mode on , i never try ping assist to 0 , i just upgrade with you link to 1.03.4 and the auto cloud and bleeding edge are enable .

Is that cool Fraser ??


Yep sounds good! Try ping assist at 0, basically play around with PA, strict on/off and moving your location and radius to get the best games possible. Don't forget about anti-cheat as well, that may be affecting you http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheat

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ning so if you want to you can post those and we will have a look at it in case Fraser wont sort you out untilIh then.


hope i didnt interaoupt you Fraser

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  • Administrators

ning so if you want to you can post those and we will have a look at it in case Fraser wont sort you out untilIh then.


hope i didnt interaoupt you Fraser


Of course not man! I appreciate the help :) 

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Wow , so fast response ! 

I am in a dream :)

Thx lukasz , i really appreciate your help .

I will read it and post the information you need .

It will by little later in the evening , but thanks again :)

See you later  

dont worry buddy just let us know how it goes and will see if we can assist further.

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I will check all that a little later because i can't now .

But by sure i inform you when i have test all this things .

Thx to both fore you help .

See you little later guy's , because i have some extra questions .

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Hello , i am back :) 

So i have play 2 -3 games , and other players are not happy you solve my problems .

The Netduma works better , my ping diagnostics stay stable and stay on exceptional .

Maybe its because i play in the evening , i sure will give you info about my day game play .

Now my question guy's , its about the bandwidth .

I hear that i have to moderate it so i don't have trouble with compensation lag , i have a tp Link before the Netduma  .

It's easier to configure the bandwidth with the Tp Link ( maybe good idea fore the next upgrade , bandwidth configuration by ip )  

So voila , do you think i need moderate the bandwidth fore better experience ?


Again thank you fore all you help , time and advice .

What a great quality of assistance !!!!  

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So Happy you are enjoying gaming now.


This moderation bandwith feature will be added in the upcoming upgrade time of the reales its un known for now.


Nature of a bad line or conjested line its that is never thesame and its likle to occur in peake times like people coming back form work school wekends etc. so if i would be you i would keep my eye on in for some time running internet daiagnostic trough all those times to have a full picture.


Before netduma i use to trothell my internet speeds and the efect was ok. Now when i have my duma i dont do that. I have put my actual speeds i am getting and then set both the sliders in on 70 and never looked back. Its recomended to do so.

Some users are using both techniques so you a free to go with this is just what ever works for you.

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Hey Lukasz , 

thank you fore you answer .I think i gone test it on different times , fore the moment it looks cool .

I don't play yet , but i will test in a hour of so .

If i understand it well , your opinion is that i can play without limit my bandwidth .

In the beginning i played with bandwidth on and it felt well , fore unknown reason i played without the bandwidth on Netduma and it worked fine to .

I again tried it because of my recent issues .

Today i will test the system on full bandwidth , i only cane say it was again fun playing the game yesterday evening .

So we stay in touch and will tell you later how it went .

See you later Lukasz :) 

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No problem buddy. Like i sad dont forget to set both sliders in conjestion control on 70 and before u do that make sure the speeds you entered in you internet speeds to be what you are actually getting.

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Oke guy's ,


i test a little and it's the same problem i had before .

My internet diagnosis don't stay stable , sometimes it's exceptional ,and 1or2 games later its just oke .

That make a huge difference in game experience , with the good or ok ( ofthen my spikes) i just shoot true guys without have hit detection :s 

I am not sure its the Netduma that is the problem, and when i test my line with the internet provider the told me everything is fine .

So i don't know , anyone a idea  , proposal or a miracle :P

Lukasz Skylwalker  , i count on you :) 

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i don't know if this helps !?


Ping Diagnostics

Run Test

Ping Jitter Spikes Packet Loss Good Good Ok No Loss
Show Details
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=46 time=32.789 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=46 time=32.214 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=46 time=32.484 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=46 time=32.750 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=46 time=32.524 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=46 time=32.251 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=46 time=32.489 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=46 time=32.088 ms
64 bytes from seq=8 ttl=46 time=32.361 ms
64 bytes from seq=9 ttl=46 time=62.917 ms
64 bytes from seq=10 ttl=46 time=32.659 ms
64 bytes from seq=11 ttl=46 time=32.687 ms
64 bytes from seq=12 ttl=46 time=32.453 ms
64 bytes from seq=13 ttl=46 time=32.236 ms
64 bytes from seq=14 ttl=46 time=32.237 ms
64 bytes from seq=15 ttl=46 time=32.276 ms
64 bytes from seq=16 ttl=46 time=32.337 ms
64 bytes from seq=17 ttl=46 time=32.332 ms
64 bytes from seq=18 ttl=46 time=32.343 ms
64 bytes from seq=19 ttl=46 time=32.330 ms

--- ping statistics ---
20 packets transmitted, 20 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 32.088/33.937/62.917 ms
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 0.253 ms 0.182 ms 0.197 ms
2 * * *
3 23.117 ms 22.922 ms 22.740 ms
4 24.270 ms 24.474 ms 24.246 ms
5 24.507 ms 24.696 ms 24.241 ms
6 * * *
7 * * *
8 * * *
9 * 28.487 ms 28.148 ms
10 28.735 ms 28.445 ms 28.449 ms
11 28.820 ms 28.410 ms 28.500 ms
12 37.028 ms 28.438 ms 28.739 ms
13 31.729 ms 31.951 ms 32.189 ms
14 31.711 ms 31.993 ms 32.428 ms
15 * * *
16 31.730 ms 32.192 ms 31.747 ms
Online Gaming Services Service Status Xbox Live Click for details Play station network Click for details
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Your fluctuating diagnostics indicate a likely congestion issue with your ISP.


Unfortunately they test you run is entirely independent (nothing else is connected to influence connection during it). That's not something the R1 can change, you'd need to collect data as evidence and approach your internet provider to look at fixing.

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Hello Buds , 

a time a go the told me there was a trouble on my line , but my isp never really told me if the fixed it or not .

Can you please tell me guys what i have to ask or tell them in noob language .

I am not a specialist in this kind of stuff , sure not fore use technical vocabulary .

Thx everyone fore the time you put in this !  

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If it was me, I'd collect:


- speed tests

- extended ping tests

- traceroutes


You'd ideally want the above taken 3-4 times a day (at different times). This should highlight a pattern as to when connection is good / bad etc.


The R1 diagnostics show a fluctuation in ping at different times. I would hazard a guess that as the ping rises, your speed tests will be worse and you may even have packet loss (along with jitter / spikes in ping). Collecting all of the above data over say 4-5 days would give you a bunch of stuff to show ISP something is wrong.

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Ping plotter is a great tool to leave running all day and night and it will plot your pings and packet loss and you can save the results.




Set it to ping and you can change the update interval etc


If you use your connection while it is testing you would see abnormalitys in ping unless you are using the congestion control of the duma to full effect.

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