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Fifa 20 servers,crazy delay.

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I have been having delay since fifa 20 started, crazy crazy delay, tried almost eveyrhtig on the router and still cant seem to get out of this delay thats driving me crazy. I check my geo filter during every game and it says 44 MS ping everytime, I WISH. Its not even close to 44 or else i wouldnt even complain. Dont know what else to do. One thing I want to try is connecting to another EA server, I live in canada ontario and the closest one to me is somewhere near washington. I know there is one in california so I want to connect ot that. How can I connect to it? I was trying but have no idea how to connect to that specific server it never shows up when im connecting to a opponent the only time I see that server is when I load fifa as a whole and it shows every ea server on the world map in the geo filter section for ike  5 sceonds before i fully log in. Appreciate the help

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Hey there, sorry to hear you're having an issue! This website may help you, it has some common FIFA issues and some potential fixes. They''re a Netduma user too so you may find specific things for the router you can do: https://fifaaddiction.com/fifa-issues/

Regarding getting California, make sure the console is off completely and put your home location/radius around just that server. Make sure strict mode is on and Ping Assist is set to 0 with fast search disabled. Then boot up the console and game and it should force the server if it's available.


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Hey I just tried exactly what you saidi turned my console off put the location around the california server , strict mode is on, and it is still connecting me to the washington server which is actually OUTSIDE the radius I have around the cali server....what do I do? how can I manually connect to that server in california?

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Hey i did not have it on filter mode so it works now for california servers but unfortunetly, its the same delay ...what i dont get is that it says 75 ms ping in the 3-4 games i played in the cali servers , but the washington it says 40-44 ms but feels exactly the same as 75 ms. Wish it was actually 40. Dont know what to do, been having delay every single day in fifa 20 for my ps4 for 2 months now and its driviing me crazy im gonna check that forum you sent me people that have fifa 20 and are net duma owners 

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The servers may be mislocated so we'll be able to look at that ourselves. Regarding the delay, a lot of people mention about an input delay, that website has a page I believe dedicated to that issue so work through that and see if any of the suggestions help.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello guys,

The issue not from the router..

It's from your internet provider, every internet provider own they routes to let you connect to EA servers.


1- Just call your internet provider and ask the support to change your internet connection (route) not (router!).

2- Mention easo.ea.com (EA Server) to support to change your internet connection route to the best route for EA server.


FUT Champions should be 0 delay with max ping 22ms.

and any other FUT Games mode you may facing some delay because you don't know the other players where they are in the world.

Hope that may help, and sorry for my bad Eng :) 

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