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Geo Filtering more than 4 devices?


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Hello. New to the forum but I've been using the Netduma R1 router for about 8 months now. I tried searching for an answer but came up empty. I need Geofiltering for 6 devices, so I bought a 2nd Netduma R1. uPnP doesn't work on the 2nd one I bought, I checked, both are the same firmware versions, I have unchecked uPnP and save, reset, rechecked uPnP On and save, reset, still doesn't work, but when I put the DMZ into my modem everything on the new router comes up open but now makes the first router I've been using for 8 months moderate/ strict. (Before this the DMZ was not set so I didn't swap DMZ's, nats on all devices were always open) I never use Strict Mode enabled, and I have the xbox server near me on an allowed connection, but I have the circle set to basically just New England area when its filtered. but even when there's no filters it's hard to get open nat when I'm using both routers. I just need a way to have 6+ devices to be able to be geofiltered, and all have open nat. is there a new update or a higher end router (xr500 or xr700) I can get that does more than 4 devices at once or is there a way I can use the 2 I have to make it work? I read that the higher end ones Have a DMZ setting that the R1's don't have so maybe I would just need to get one and have an R1 piggyback off of that and put the R1's WAN into that routers DMZ, then put the new XR500/XR700 WAN into the Modems DMZ? Thanks for any future help on this. 

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Welcome to the forum!

Yes I suppose that idea could work. Try this: Put one R1 into the DMZ of the modem and forward all ports (1-65535) to the other one.

Maybe we'll increase the max Geo-Filter limit at some point. Honestly we haven't had many people asking for that but it's doable.

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Hey! Thank you for the tip! That opened up the router that was showing upnp failures on the xbox one's that were connected to it and now they're open too. I don't have my full setup at the moment I had to send 2 xbox's into the local repair shop because of faulty hdmi ports but I should have them back Monday to fully test, but so far I have both R1 routers going with 2 xbox's on each and all 4 xbox's are open and the matchmaking is working great. 

That would be sweet if you ever do increase the limit but I understand not a lot of people or even any asking for it. Not a lot of people have the space with 4-6 xboxs on a network looking to filter the search area at once because when we don't filter it, we match with people on the other side of the world, and the player animations are standing still but you see them moving and jumping, it's not a good time. haha. Thanks you again for the help!

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