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Did I do this correctly?

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You might need to do a reboot. Both modem and router?  Why do you have FTP port added? Is that something you have to have? Just curious on that..

I was also going to try port forwarding because Im currently using Upnp. But every time I switch from Upnp to port forwarding my XR500 goes crazy! Basically with a similar issue as you had.


P.S. Go VIKES!! ;) 

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13 hours ago, Zippy said:

You might need to do a reboot. Both modem and router?  Why do you have FTP port added? Is that something you have to have? Just curious on that..

I was also going to try port forwarding because Im currently using Upnp. But every time I switch from Upnp to port forwarding my XR500 goes crazy! Basically with a similar issue as you had.


P.S. Go VIKES!! ;) 

Yeah its not easy to do the port forward on the XR. I tried it and I couldn't get in. The ftp was my ps4. I don't know why I did that. Yeah I just ended up changing it back to upnp. I spent a couple hours on ping plotter trying to find my best settings for qos. It helped a tiny bit. But still plays inconsistent. YES SKOL go vikes!!!! Hoping we can finally get it done this year if cousins can pull his head out of his ass!

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Yeah I had to switch back also. My XR is very touchy! And has a mind of its own at times .LOL  By the sounds of it your ping plotter isn't showing nothing bad. So that's a plus. I use a variety of ways to test my connection. And dslreports is one of them. What I always look for is Quality of connection also. If one over buffers a cable type connection you can cause more harm then good. And im not just speaking of dslreports. This is something that those that have been working on BufferBloat for years have always mentioned. They say every connection type from cable, dsl, fiber, all have to have a different approach to BufferBloat. And its so very true. What do you currently have your sliders at now upload/download? Run ping plotter and dslreports test at the same time once. I know Netduma doesn't rely much on dslreports but there is some good info in that test as well to help fine tune everything. 

Lets hope Cousins starts to play at the level he is actually getting paid to play! I think we paid way to much for a QB that hasn't really proven himself yet. He has yet to show me he is the one!  What did you think about the news about Luck? That was a shocker! Guy at 29 years old throwing in the towel. Sad but I give that guy credit. He was worried about his long term quality of life. And honestly that is key more so then any money can buy!

Hope you get things sorted! 




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5 minutes ago, Zippy said:

Yeah I had to switch back also. My XR is very touchy! And has a mind of its own at times .LOL  By the sounds of it your ping plotter isn't showing nothing bad. So that's a plus. I use a variety of ways to test my connection. And dslreports is one of them. What I always look for is Quality of connection also. If one over buffers a cable type connection you can cause more harm then good. And im not just speaking of dslreports. This is something that those that have been working on BufferBloat for years have always mentioned. They say every connection type from cable, dsl, fiber, all have to have a different approach to BufferBloat. And its so very true. What do you currently have your sliders at now upload/download? Run ping plotter and dslreports test at the same time once. I know Netduma doesn't rely much on dslreports but there is some good info in that test as well to help fine tune everything. 

Lets hope Cousins starts to play at the level he is actually getting paid to play! I think we paid way to much for a QB that hasn't really proven himself yet. He has yet to show me he is the one!  What did you think about the news about Luck? That was a shocker! Guy at 29 years old throwing in the towel. Sad but I give that guy credit. He was worried about his long term quality of life. And honestly that is key more so then any money can buy!

Hope you get things sorted! 




Yeah I ran 6 streams while I was on ping plotter. It all looked good. I pinged kare11 news, base ping was at 20ms and best QOS slider setting which is what I'm at now is 55d/60up. Very small jitter spikes at about 25 ms. I kinda lost faith in dsl reports cause its very inconsistent with its readings and I found no better game play with the settings I used from there. But I see what your saying. I do like the smoke ping tool on there though where they email you a report on your ping for 24 hrs. Its similar to ping plotter with the graph. I really just want fiber!!!

Yeah I never wanted Cousins in the first place. But on the upside he does have a good arm and if we can protect him so he doesn't get happy feet I think we can do some good things this year! Our defense should be stout again. So once again I have higher expectations. But nothing short of winning the big game would be disappointing. I JUST WANT ONE DAMN LAMBARDI TROPHY!!!! 

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I mean that could work assuming that the external ports do not change which is possible. Thats why for Traffic Prioritization we say if you're putting manual ports in to leave the source ports as the default 1-65535 as you can't be sure which they will be used.

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