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Nighthawk XR500 random rebooting

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  • Nighthawk XR500
  • Firmware version:
  • Tried hotfix already

I bought the new router about a month ago.  It has been rock solid during that time.  A couple days ago the router began rebooting randomly while gaming.  This has happened a number of times now over the past few days and disconnected me in the middle of long missions. It is highly frustrating. I have seen a couple of posts about random disconnects and reboots.  None of the suggestions have worked so far. I could really use some help figuring out what is going on and how to fix it. 

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If you have tried the hotfix and that hasn't done anything for you then you will likely have to wait for the next firmware drop in hopes it cures the issue.. Strange how you mention how rock solid the router worked for about a month. Two of my friends had the same experience. I also had it happen but by that time I quit using it. I had other issues that seemed odd also though.. Also make sure your modem is staying online and just the router is the issue. Another thing to make sure is that you don't have any power fluctuations. Make sure the router is plugged directly into an outlet and not a power strip.. Seems like some have better luck with it that way. You can always do a hard reset to the router by pushing the little pin in the back and hold it for a good 30 seconds and let the router fully boot up.. Sorry I don't have any better advice there doesn't seem to be a cure for all yet with this issue... Im sure Netduma will chime in and have you try other things.. Good luck!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Zippy.    

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  • Administrators

Wow that must be really annoying, i'm sorry to hear you're having these problems.

So i'd just like to ask some more questions to narrow down what the cause might be:

At the time the restart occurs: Are you using Geo-Filter? Are you using QoS? Are you using Hybrid-VPN?

After the restart: Do the logs show anything unusual? Send them over if you're not sure. Does the modem still appear to be active?

Also, how many custom settings do you have on your router? Would it be a massive hassle to do a factory reset? You can do this from the Settings section of the interface. It might solve whatever's going wrong.

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The Geo-Filter hasn't been setup other than home location.

The QoS is still set as factory.

Hybrid-VPN is turned off.

The modem does not reboot.

After the device reboots it does not appear to recognize the modem. You have to then unplug the ethernet and plug it back in again and it will instantly connect back to the modem.

The logs wipe each time the thing reboots so there isn't anything to indicate why it rebooted. Is there a way to obtain previous logs, or make the device write the logs to a permanent location so that I can actually see errors that are logged before the reboot? 

Logs below...note the system showed no timestamps on the logs this morning when waking up to everything being down again after another random reboot.


[Initialized, firmware version: V2.3.2.40-C424a] 
 [DumaOS] Starting process manager 
 [DumaOS] Non-existent publish method 'licence_permitted' 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.procmanager' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.procmanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] subscribe to 'com.netdumasoftware.arpwatch' from 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.systeminfo' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.systeminfo' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.systeminfo' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new event. 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new lease allocated. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.systeminfo' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.networkmonitor' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.networkmonitor' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.networkmonitor' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.networkmonitor' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.networkmonitor' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] pending subscription for package 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] pending subscription for package 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] pending subscription for package 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] pending subscription for package 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] subscribe to 'com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch' from 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] pending subscription for package 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' 
 [DumaOS] Waiting for 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' to run before starting 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' 
 [DumaOS] All dependencies loaded, starting 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' now bound [DHCP IP:] to MAC address “removed for posting” 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new event. 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new lease allocated. 
 [DumaOS] Cloudsync Themes result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Cloudsync DPI result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] All dependencies loaded, starting 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Dependency loaded 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' now bound 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' now bound 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] applying qos for zone wan 
 [DumaOS] NSS delete root for interface 'brwan' 
 [DumaOS] applying qos for zone lan 
 [DumaOS] NSS delete root for interface 'br0' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' now bound 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] applying qos for zone wan 
 [DumaOS] Resync R-App store cloud 
 [DumaOS] applying qos for zone lan 
 [DumaOS] HTTP download failed with code 'host or service not provided, or not known' 
 [DumaOS] R-App store cloud sync failed 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] App 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' initialised & starting. 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.autoadmin' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.dpiclass' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.desktop' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Geo-Filter cloudsync result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' now bound 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.qos' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.rappstore' added, attempting to bind pending 
 [DumaOS] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.geofilter' added, attempting to bind pending [DHCP IP:] to MAC address “removed for posting” 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new event. 
 [DumaOS] DHCP new lease allocated. 
 [DumaOS] Cloudsync Themes result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] Cloudsync DPI result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] Resync R-App store cloud 
 [DumaOS] Geo-Filter cloudsync result 'false','All mirrors are down' 
 [DumaOS] HTTP download failed with code 'host or service not provided, or not known' 
 [DumaOS] R-App store cloud sync failed [admin login] from source [admin login] from source [admin login] from source [admin login] from source [admin login] from source [admin login] from source


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  • Administrators

Have you set a static IP or anything on the XR500? Also, have you considered changing the router's IP from to just in case it's clashing with the modem

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  • Administrators

Hey, welcome to the forum!

As it is Summer now the potential for devices to overheat is increased, is the router in an area where there is plenty of air flow and no obstruction to its vents? Not on a surface such as a carpet or anything like that? 

Disable QoS completely in Anti-Bufferbloats menu please as well.

When the issue occurs can you check your modem and see if it reports the router as having a connection or not?

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