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Lukasz playing Ghost TDM


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Oh boy how much i dont like this game i suck at it etc. Have played last night here are two games far form perfect but keep in mind that before duma my avrage K/D was 0.8

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i got roped into a couple of games on ghosts earlier. was about 5000 online worldwide and it took time to fill a lobby playing dom. i got pwned by guys who refused to ptfo but it was still fun and what about that hit detection? i'm probably in the minority but am still looking forwards to IW's next one.


i'll watch this later lucasz .

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Its not the game mechanics that i dont like. One thing is the color them i just cant spot enemies fast enough. For me its very difficult to see them. And the way people are playing it just hiding in those bushes with thermal scopes etc. ID bombs everywhere etc. Hit detection is awesome.

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