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I was wondering what east coast players are setting their geo filter location to be. I'm noticing very inconsistent games and was just wondering if there is a way to make it a little more consistent. Here are my current settings. ( The game im talking about is mw3)



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Also looks as though you're not on the latest version as you don't have peer ping. Follow these instructions carefully if you're not on the latest version (1.03.4 you can find out your version if you scroll to the bottom of any page) http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=manual_updatealso as lukasz says ensure auto cloud & bleeding edge are checked and updated from settings > miscellaneous. 

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That looks ok. I have worse line then you so no worries here. Though ist wort to run this test in different times of the day. like peak times when people are back from school work etc or weekend to have a full picture. If all of the will be like that then this side of things are all good. 

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This is just a tweaked version of previous. You have some additional features like Peer ping. Also tech team at duma can only provide a support and troubleshoot only the most up to day version of firmware.


Stealth mode is when the router will not respond to port scans and outside traffic, thus making it less susceptible to discovery and attacks. Just a one more thing to make you safer form hackers attack nothing to do whit gaming lag etc. so no wories here. This is how i understand it i may be wrong though is so someone will correct it. 

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We always recommend updating to the latest update as it can improve things a lot of the time. Have you ensured bleeding edge is ticked? 


What you can do is - 


  1. Set your home location, then put the distance really small, press the 'Snap' button a few times to auto expand the Geo-filter to an optimum size for getting games.
  2. Increase the Geo-filter to include the padlock so you get into that game.
  3. Disable strict mode, this will allow more games to be connected to, please note they may appear outside of your filter.
  4. Move your home until you get a different host or padlock appear (you may have to restart the game but may not) and bare in mind our anti-cheat if you connect to games and continue to try and find other hosts.
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Yebst buddy no worries like a sad a firat advice is to keep everything up to date to get the most out of your router.


So go a haed and upgraded sette the cloud settings to bleeding age and see how it plays for you.

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It pushes the latest cloud updates to you. Corrects incorrectly located servers, adds new ones etc :) Padlocks are dedicated servers, if you see those and you're being booted thats why, include the padlock in your radius to ensure that doesn't occur.

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Bleeding agde means that you are using the most up to date locations of servers and stuff realted to geofilter.


Now padlock its just an indication of i dedicated server the game is trying to put you on but this serv is out of you filrter range

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wondering what east coast players are setting their geo filter location to be. I'm noticing very inconsistent games and was just wondering if there is a way to make it a little more consistent. Here are my current settings. ( The game im talking about is mw3)


ko8iPTI.pngattachicon.gifNetduma Congestion Control Settinhs.png

I live on the east coast too, and I always have inconsistent games. I've done everything I can think of, but to no avail. I think it's frigging conspiracy if you ask me. I've had my ISP out here a dozen times or more, i've even had the wires replaced. Everything on my end is perfect.  

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