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1 hour ago, Alix said:

Hi tried again this morning I downloaded ubuntu torrent to saturate my connection set sliders to 70%,60,50 but still unstable shall I contact my isp thanks 


Can you run a test directly from your modem with nothing using the network and post the results please? Run the test for 10 minutes.

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Also no need to create a new topic as your previous was still open once you post here again I'll merge the two topics so you know where to find it.

Direct to modem is the correct suggestion, let us know how you get on.

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I would do the direct to modem test and then immediately after the same one with the router, these tests are 10 hours apart so could be variance i.e. more people are likely to be using the internet at 8pm rather than 10am.

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So it does look like the router is working correctly but if you get those issues of packet loss again then I would then assume that it is the modem/ISP at fault or the site at the time so I'd suggest you continue to monitor and maybe contact the ISP if it persists. If they do help then I wouldn't mention the router and if they make a home visit then I would remove the router prior to their arrival as they will blame the router even though we've established it's not the issue.

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