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XR500 - LAN config - Devices - Static Ip wrong and feature missing

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7 minutes ago, Sunaikinti said:

Did you try to reset the x2000 and start fresh with that router?

Thanks for asking. yes.
For each device test cycle :  Change whatever, save config . reset . reload config . reboot.  Check results.
I hope it answer your question.

the R6400 "perceive" the X2000 !!!
(X2000 static IP = )


That's another Netgear question:
--------------------------------------------------------    R6400 is not DHCP  .. where does it get that copy?
XR500 comply to what request ??


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ok, I'm dumbfoundled.

That's crazy.
I didnt change anything on the X2000, I was resetting R6400 Wifi ... then suddenly it appeared on "connected device" list in the R6400.

But nothing on the XR500.

Now 5 minutes later ... ta da !!!



Is that correct they are represented on the same Lan Port?




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22 minutes ago, Sunaikinti said:

Try this without saving and reloading configuration. Manually setup router.


Thanks for your suggestion, sorry if I get boring 🙂
so far I chose it that way:



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16 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:


Fraser ,
you asked before , to expose new things or things to be done better.

Here you are    -- On device panel:
1) Device table cannot be sorted by IP   - (254 IPs )
-  WHY ?????????????????? ( but you can sort it by Port - 4 ports !!!)

2) Screen - Port table (5) occupy more then 50%  - while Devices that are up to 254 -  HAVE TO BE SCROLLED IN LESS THEN 30%
 - it's really awful to scroll in a minuscule space, looking for some specifics, and I have only 6 android, 9 domotics,  2 PCs, 4 HDW non IT devices !!!!!

3) Double-click from Table or Tree should allow direct FULL CONFIG for that MAC/DEVICE/PORT 
 - without having to wander all around the DumaOS  looking to find the right place where somebody though it was the correct spot for that setting.


It's really confusing... while it can be the Center of all the activity with great EASE!!!!!


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Glad to hear your issues mostly have been resolved, just for the future I wouldn't do a restore of backup settings if you're factory resetting to fix an issue as that might bring it back.

  1. Likely because most people won't need to sort by IP addresses because devices grab IPs randomly if using DHCP so there is no real order to the IPs given to devices. What is your use case for wanting to sort by IP?
  2. This is static information and quite important, at a glance you can see if the internet is connected and what ports are being used. What is hard about scrolling?
  3. What do you expect to be in the Device window when opened?
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Thanks for your answer Fraser.

1 & 2
a)  5 port occupy 60% of my screen ...  relegating in less then 30% as many as 254 device
( % the total screen available space - title & headlines & Top description eat a lot, but are excluded from available space).
5 ports need 5 rows espaced 1 or 0  .. NOT  5 rows espaced 3  !!! (and 5 lines is the PORT's TOTAL)
in Device list the same... please use NO interSPACE.. meaning it's hard to scroll with only 4 lines in view !!!

b) While I may agree with you about Port importance... I don't regarding how information are presented!
All columns have the sort option but Mac & IP.... it has no meaning !!!!
A so simple thing as a "Sort Arrows" no being there!  Just silly programmer's thinking, isn't it? 
(don't try to defend the undenfendable human stupidity - I worked with them for long enough 🙂 )

3)  Sorry, may be I put you on the wrong foot.
Device panel is ok, short of fantastic!!!
I'm speaking about Double Cliking any item present in the Device/Port Windows in both form Table/Tree.
I'm saying about "new feature":
You can have a direct access to all setting of that Device/port you've DoubleClicked.
Like many new software they "shortcut" access to all related setting by-passing specific menu tree.

-- For instance now in XR500
        Example - for static IP : Settings - Lan - Address reservation - Add - Choose device - assign IP.....
  ... different menus bring you to QOS, Rename, etc.... for the same device.

--- could be : Double click on SamsungPrinter - || present all related device setting || Rename, Set Static Ip, QOS, etc ...

Thanks for caring


PS: restoring config can bring back the issue, you're correct... but it can not be the case... that's another testing step, isnt it?

WARNING: Some of the settings are not saved by XR500 ....... I discovered for instance
- NAME of some devices:
INVERTER on x.x.111  still static (ok) lost name
Printer on x.x.222 same
Samsung TV  lost his name  (has no static IP)
Samsung Sound bar same

- Static
 P9 lite on  X.X.09 lost it's static.

(you can refer to previous pics)



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I'm not sure how it could be redone to allow more information shown, screen size will always be a limiting factor, what would you suggest instead?

MAC & IP is unlikely to be something that a user will remember in order for sort by to mean anything, we could add the sort for those columns but I don't see how that would be beneficial.

That's a good idea but it could foresee that causing a lot of issues in regards to setting up via the device panel, most routers leave the specific settings to their respective pages.

Using a backup from a different firmware version wouldn't be a good idea but can of course can do it on the same firmware version but if there is an issue present with your previous configuration reloading the config after a reset could bring an issue back.

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SPACE ...... I know about "available" 🙂
That's the reason I suggested reducing lines inter-leave space. 0,5 will do good both in Port AND Devices.
Reducing PORT SPACE will not be an issue (Port will not need to scroll even with less space) while means a huge gain for Devices

YOU STATE  "not many user have your requirements", you may be correct... but you'll never be sure of that statement.
BECAUSE ---  I'm also part of a small sector: "Human being with experience and ability to speak their mind correctly!"
(I'm not incensing myself... I'm 63 .. as an aside to my normal work I've been a Beta-Tester from 1985 for all my Company IT + for games + for new products)
So I'm used to speak (usually in a direct form) with Devs and Mkt and Financials .. presenting my views, and rarely I'm wrong 🙂

Long years, and a mind devoted to Customer's need bring a rare result:  Me.

So, even if WE can Think ... that no Customer will be in need of an action .... WE cannot be sure of it ..
It's present everywhere else... BUT Why avoid to put it there... that's programmers stupidity.

Direct access
... to Device setting is a standard now in routers as well in any other software, not in Netgear 😞
"Make it simple, make it better"  and Menù are complex by definition.  New software ergonomics are required.

Never changed version.

I'm referring to a BUG

(not an important one but still something to be looked at)


PS: Company I've worked for and I was referring . Olivetti, Sterling, TelecomItalia, MCIWorldcom

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Thanks for the suggestions, I will pass them onto the team to consider. Regarding all the options for device panel one of the ideas of DumaOS was to make it as easy to use as possible, adding all those points will be confusing for most users and create potential support issues. If it can be done in an easy way then I'm sure it will be.

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Ok thanks

Btw: no new points to add ..

If you double-click a device, in DeviceManager windows,  DumaOS  open a sidebar with ONLY some options, instead of a full list

Its Title ?  

"Device Settings"
Got you ?


2019-07-06 12 36 56.jpg

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Forgot to say :
Config doesn't save DASHBOARD config.

This is my actual one and the previous.


2019-07-06 15 50 12.jpg

2019-06-20 22 50 36.jpg

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ok. we have a problem here.

You write without specifying enough what is the subject of your sentence, or I get it garbled ( both are giving the same result)
.... being confused I try to pinpoint and specify the points I've understood....

For going back to more confusion on your answer back.

no deal, just frustration on my side.


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17 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You're saying the title of the panel is misrepresentative?



12 hours ago, AlainCh2 said:

Side Panel
No, I'm saying the content is missing.



11 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Your previous picture shows everything that appears under that panel, what is missing?

Old post that originate that discussion:
Thanks for the suggestions, I will pass them onto the team to consider. Regarding all the options for device panel one of the ideas of DumaOS was to make it as easy to use as possible, adding all those points will be confusing for most users and create potential support issues. If it can be done in an easy way then I'm sure it will be.

My answer
Btw: no new points to add ..

If you double-click a device, in DeviceManager windows,  DumaOS  open a sidebar with ONLY some options, instead of a full list

Its Title ?  

"Device Settings"
Got you ?


but you can refer to what I mentioned as bug:
Config no saving some Item:
Static IPs
Dashboard settings



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