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Hostname lookups across OS's

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Hi there!

I'm having issues connecting to Windows from Mac OS 10.14.5 and CentOS 7 1810.

Windows hostname lookup & ping from another Windows client - works fine.  Looking up Mac and Linux hosts from Mac and Linux - works fine.

Looking up any Windows host from Mac or Linux?  No buenos are to be had.  None anywhere.  Some features work, like Microsoft Remote Desktop, but not from command line.

Any ideas where to go with this?  It's messing with my work.  :(

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Yes, it used to work resolving hostnames across my Netgear C7000.  I have found I also can't resolve from fedora <--> fedora.

It's an XR700.

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Disable QoS completely from Anti-Bufferbloat options and see if that resolves it, also make sure both devices are connected the same way e.g. ethernet & ethernet, 2.4GHz & 2.4GHz

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