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Cod mw remastered settings

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To start of i sold my r1 just after duma os was released and yesterday am proud to say am back in the community after purchasing the XR500 and what a brilliant router it is :D

i already have my buffer at A+

1. Can anyone help me set it up for cod mw remastered or any cod 


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Great to hear that, welcome back!

It should be the same basically as when you did so on the R1 before. Geo-Filter has a profile so you can select CoD and will apply our recommended settings. On QoS leave DumaOS Classified Games ticked under Traffic Prioritization and would suggest using either 'Always' or 'When High Priority Traffic Detected' depending on what kind of devices you're using when you are/aren't gaming and still the recommended 70%.

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5 minutes ago, Funkybadger said:

Thanks and sorry if this is asked alot but as I’ve said before I’ve been out of the community for a while but is the duma os app out yet would making checking geo filter etc so handy 

I use chromes desktop site option on my mobile or tablet.

Click the three dots top right of chrome scroll down and tick the desktop site box.


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47 minutes ago, Funkybadger said:

Thanks and sorry if this is asked alot but as I’ve said before I’ve been out of the community for a while but is the duma os app out yet would making checking geo filter etc so handy 

The app is currently under development so not available at the moment.

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