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Using an access point devices show as offline


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I've just got an access point to use for WiFi with the WiFi on the R1 switched off. 

There's seems to be an issue with the access point, maybe WiFi settings as using the same SSID and password most of my devices other than my phone don't reconnect automatically (for example my sky box). 

Anyway even though my phone reconnects automatically to the new WiFi it shows as offline on the R1. All I have done is switch off WiFi, do I need to do anything on either device with IP settings or DHCP settings or anything? 

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31 minutes ago, Netduma Alex said:

So this access point doesn't work as a router right? As in it's got no DHCP server that you can disable?

No not as far as I'm aware. It's an actual access point not a router in access point mode. It's a Tp-link EAP225. 

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12 minutes ago, Netduma Alex said:

Hmm... I'm not 100% sure if this is expected behaviour or not. I'll get back to you.

Thanks, I thought it wasn't expected as I thought you can control all devices from the R1 when you use an access point. 

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Yes you are supposed to be able to see each device individually on the router interface when they're connected to an AP. If you reboot the router do they appear online after that?

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29 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yes you are supposed to be able to see each device individually on the router interface when they're connected to an AP. If you reboot the router do they appear online after that?

No everything is still showing as offline after a reboot. 

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do they have any IP addresses on the offline devices?

The ones that are here like my phone and things yes they have an IP address. 

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do they have one or two IPs? Can you access the AP interface at all and verify they're getting IPs from the XR500?

Just one IP is showing. I can go onto the AP and it shows the same IP address as on the R1 if that's what you mean? I don't know how you verify where the IP is coming from though. 

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On 5/30/2019 at 11:44 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Sorry that's what I meant yes. In the Network Monitor do you see the devices showing as offline using data at all (once you're using the device)?

Under device management they are showing offline (for example my phone) but under network monitor it is there showing usage. 

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  • Administrators

Thanks for that information, I assume you're on the latest DumaOS version? I'll pass this on to the team to see if they have any suggestions, they may already be aware of this.

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19 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thanks for that information, I assume you're on the latest DumaOS version? I'll pass this on to the team to see if they have any suggestions, they may already be aware of this.

Thanks. I'm on version so I think this is the latest. 

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