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Trying to connect XR500 to a virgin hub 3

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I’m having all sorts of problems trying to sort this out , I’ve put the hub into modem mode ( pink light ) connected it to the XR500 , the XR500 is showing as connected to the net , have run through the set up , but the WiFi isn’t hardly working at all , and the 3 lan connections are all flashing orange , 2 to television boxes and 1 power line adaptor , with no internet at all , I’ve checked the boxes , and they are showing that they have no IP addresses , and the PlayStation that is connected via the power line adaptor is not working either and showing no connection, anyone else had this problem and is there a way to fix it ? 

£250 for a router and can’t get it to work :-(

thanks in advance for any help


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power off the hub 3 and the XR500. Restart the hub3 and wait 2 minutes or until it is fully connected to virgin then power on the XR500. Let us know if your problem persists. It is more than likely a power cycle issue.

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Also I think there’s a special port on the hub that is used for modem mode. So make sure you’ve wired the XR500 into that. 

If you still can’t get it to work, then I’d recommend taking the hub out of modem mode and just connecting it like normal. 

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Tried both of those ideas , restarting the hub then trying to connect the XR500, it lasts for about 2 minutes then drops off the WiFi , 


if i take it out of modem mode , it doesn’t make any difference , still not been able to get the lan connections working for love nor money , I’ve completely given up and disconnected it , I guess it will be going back , not paying £250 for a flashing ornament 😂 

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To ask an obvious question, can you still get Internet through the hub when not in modem mode?

Does the WAN/Internet port light up on the XR500 when it's plugged into the modem? If it wasn't, then it would suggest a dodgy cable or socket.

If it has connected, could you go to >Settings ?Setup >Internet Setup on the XR500 interface. Is the setting for Internet Setup set to 'Get Dynamically from ISP'. Please make sure it is.

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Could you try factory resetting the XR500 with it all connected and see if it then automatically gets an IP from the start.

Also, what's the IP you type in to access the hub?

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  • 1 year later...

i have the hub 4.0 and used to have the hub 3.0 in modem mode, it used to work for me on the hub 3.0 but as I’ve just upgraded to the hub 4.0 i tried to put it in modem mode and the xr500 internet light is orange can someone help me out?

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38 minutes ago, Begman said:

i have the hub 4.0 and used to have the hub 3.0 in modem mode, it used to work for me on the hub 3.0 but as I’ve just upgraded to the hub 4.0 i tried to put it in modem mode and the xr500 internet light is orange can someone help me out?

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. You would most likely need to reboot the XR and then you would get a connection. Does it work in router mode?

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