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MCC - Geo-Filter - Still Connecting to the US?

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Been running MCC on the XOne with the Geo-Filter Enabled, still being connected to the West and East coast US servers?

Device: XBOXONE (Console)
Ping assist: Off
Strict mode: On
Profile: Halo

*Oh, and relays were turned off in MCC.

I've rebooted the router, rebooted my console, flushed the cloud at least once to update.

Example, Cain&Abel showed all traffic in game being routed to a California endpoint - set the server to denied in the Geo-Filter GUI, restarted my Xbox and searched matchmaking again, got paired in a game served by the very same endpoint.

What's interesting in this scenario is the Geo-Filter map showed the Washington server as the largest icon, even though all traffic was being fed to the California endpoint - I'm guessing Microsoft hop traffic under load.


Any suggestions? Or is this just how MCC plays ball with the XR500?

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Could you grab a screenshot of your Geo-Filter Map the next time this happens please?

It's possible that the game is up to something strange, but the servers outside of your range should still be getting blocked.

Welcome to the forum by the way!

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Sure, here's one I just took this minute [attached]

California - 104'42'224'85.jpg

California is the endpoint, and because it's a denied server, the route is passed to Washington to make the call.

Washington being a datacentre, I have no way of blocking every single call to it.

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I think Ping Assist might be allowing the connection - that would explain why it has a dotted ring around it. Otherwise the Geo-Filter would block it.

You said Ping Assist was off right? Could you just expand the Geo-Filter Map options and make sure Ping Assist is set to 0?

If it is, you might need to reboot the router, or possibly even factory reset to get things working properly again.


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Confirmed for you that Ping Assist is set to 0, Strict Mode is also checked.

It hasn't been long since I bought the router, I factory reset it on arrival and upgraded the firmware to the latest version.

I also rebooted it a few times during my own attempts to diagnose it, completely wiped the settings I had configured in the Geo-Filter, and re-added the Halo profile, still no dice.

Do you have any other suggestions than wiping it completely and starting again? Seems heavy handed as I've already travelled that route.

Better yet, can you see if the Washington server I linked above is whitelisted in your Geo-Filter Halo profile?

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I've checked and it's not, which is what I expected as our white-listed servers have a solid ring around them and that one is dotted.

Whilst a factory reset is the best step here, what might work is downgrading to the pre-Ping Assist version of the firmware. That might fix it: https://kb.netgear.com/000060127/XR500-Firmware-Version-2-3-2-32

See if the problem goes away if you downgrade - this will keep all your settings etc, but will remove Ping Assist and Hybrid VPN from DumaOS. 

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Nice job, looks like that worked on V2.3.2.32

May want to patch that in for anyone on later FW.

[attached] my snaps for the night, you might notice that occasionally it show an allowed player icon down by the Ascension islands - given they're British territories, that could be a hint depending on how you have defined region in your geo-filter cloud list.

I leave it with you guys to figure out why that may be...

Thanks for the fix!


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11 hours ago, C1r said:

Nice job, looks like that worked on V2.3.2.32

May want to patch that in for anyone on later FW.

[attached] my snaps for the night, you might notice that occasionally it show an allowed player icon down by the Ascension islands - given they're British territories, that could be a hint depending on how you have defined region in your geo-filter cloud list.

I leave it with you guys to figure out why that may be...

Thanks for the fix!


Great to hear it's working! You should be able to upgrade back to .40 again if you wish to - Ping Assist just got messed up for some reason. A fresh install should solve this.

4 hours ago, Hamdi said:

Do I need to downgrade or just wait for any updates soon? As I have the same issue.

Try downgrading and see if that improves things. As I've just written above, you should then be able to upgrade back to .40 if you wish to.

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