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XR700 - Can I see what's saturating my wifi network?

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One of the big reasons I bought the high end Nighthawk XR700 was its ability to see traffic stats in real time. A lot of times I'll have a LAN party and my connection will become worthless because one of the Xboxes or phones or something decides to hog all the bandwidth. I thought that with this router I could see who the bad apple was and block them, restoring order and peace to the land. Or if not block them, at least QOS would take over and not let any one device crush all traffic.

However, I've discovered that the traffic monitor and QOS are only on Internet traffic. I can't see who's saturating the internal network. This has become an issue because right now my 5GHZ wifi network is only eeking out 1-3Mb/sec on speedtest, while my 2.4GHZ network is doing around 30Mb/sec (I have 300Mb down / 10Mb up). My wired network is still getting around 300Mb/sec download. So obviously there's a bad guy (or guys) on my 5GHZ wifi. But since none of the devices on that network are using Internet bandwidth, I can't see what's happening.

Is there any way to see internal network stats? Did I misunderstand the router's capabilities? What about third party plugins or R-apps? I hate that I have this $500 rocket ship but can't reliably watch 4K videos in my living room... I'm open to any suggestions y'all might have.

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  • Netduma Staff

Could I ask what your setup looks like in more depth? The solution, at least when it comes to a standard household, is to check out the Network Monitor, see which device is hogging the bandwidth (and break it down per application to see in further depth), then use the Device Manager to block the offending device. If you can't do this (i.e the offending device doesn't show up on the router) how do you have it set up? Are all the devices behind switches etc?

R-apps are going to become a lot more extensive this year, so don't worry - if your XR700 doesn't have this capability yet, it likely will soon. DumaOS will be upgraded faster than any other router, and is already at the forefront of router innovation. I'll take note of this and see if it's something we can do!

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