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LAN setup settings blocked

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Hello. I have an XR700 router.

I am configuring the router for my needs, however, when I try to change the netmask to allow more IP addresses on the network, I can only change the last number of the IP address.

I changed the Netmask to support up to 512 devices, but I can not set the Starting address and Ending IP address to include more than the default. For example, the image with 252 addresses.

I want to change it to - for example, which is twice as many as the default ( - However, I can not seem to edit more than the last field of both "Starting Ip address" and "Ending Ip address". The rest is locked How can I fix it? I can change every field on my low-end Asus Router.

Looking forward to your reply.


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Hi there - I don't think this is possible on Nighthawks unfortunately. But there's no harm in contacting NETGEAR to confirm: https://www.netgear.com/support/contact.aspx

If you don't mind me asking, what is your use case? Do you have more than 252 devices?

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I expect around 230 devices, I just need to be sure that we won't run out of IP's,  because we have managed 10 Gbit switches connected to it as well. All cabled. It makes no sense, to block those fields though, as they are there. There might be some way to change those two values, from somewhere else then? I am currently in contact with Netgear on their livechat.

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It may be that by changing that you are now conflicting with the WAN IP subnet, do you know if this is the case? 

If not try applying on the page after changing the subnet then once the page is back try and change the other values.

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I did chat with them. They were not able to solve it, right a way. 

If you take a look on the  small lines under the text fields, you should notice that the bold lines are editable, and the thin lines are blocked (You are not able to write in them)

I simply believe it's a bug, as it should not block the fields no matter what. It's kind of the most basic router feature you can find.


Do you know any back-"door" or anywhere I can change those two fields? "Starting IP address" and Ending IP Address".

Have a good day.

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I just tried that on XR500 DHCP, same issue,  can't update the 3rd octet -- although it let me put 508 or 512 in the 4th, lol.

Did not try to apply, I'm assuming it will throw an error if it's higher then 254 but you never know, maybe it will make .1 and .2 ? you can test that

worst case, 2 vlan's  --- or turn off the DHCP and use a 3rd party that can handle super scoping

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I've just talked on the phone with Jayson at Netgear Level 2 support. He is going to provide me with a Beta firmware within a few hours, which might fix the issue. Otherwise, he will test and confirm the bug and make their engineers fix it.

I told him, that the XR500, as well as the XR700, might have the same bug as reported by xr500user above.

Have a nice evening


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