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Back to being shit... Sigh


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One day. One night is what I got of instant matches since patch. Now it puts me in listen servers and waiting forever for a match.

Also I never ping under 100.. hmm


Also whenever it migrates host which is alot, I cannot find a game for 30 plus minutes as it sits at Contacting Servers. Doesn't go to searching.


Have to hard reset the game for it to work.


FML is it so hard to just get a decent game. Had no problems til I got this router.


Definitely something on Dumas side that causes the disconnects and contacting server problem. As when it migrates, new host may not be in geo filter, crashed out then can't connect again.


Honestly thought it was all fixed just fed up of joining lobbies after a ten minute wait with just me and one other, no doubt a listen server and my pings always above 100


My settings are perfect, infact I have it set to 1000km ATM. Usually it covers UK and France dedicated but wasn't finding a game so had to increase.



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  • Netduma Staff

The advice above is great - if you try other CoD games and don't have any issues, hopefully it should clear things up for you. Treyarch are still fixing issues over time so it shouldn't be long before it's running normally for everyone. Most people had their issues fixed in the last few days since they released a patch.

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