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I am DONE!


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I mean in past titles of the franchise. We would only have to deal with this on a slight level. But in BO4, it's just terrible how many people can skip between frames and on their screen in the killcam, they are fine with only being affected slightly.

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I keep seeing sniper kill cams that are not even on target and there getting the kills. 

Guns are way over powered over others. BO4 has got to be worse one of them all. BO3 wasn't this bad. Thought it had it' own issues. 


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Just hope and pray that the next patch for BO4 undoes whatever they did that created all this skippy/stutter bollocks. Preferably before I put my Xbox through my monitor.

It's got to be something wrong with the game or the servers (or both), it's so frequent that it can't just be down to enemies with bad connections, it's pretty much every game since the big patch.

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