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Minimum Ping assist value option

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Please can you implement a minimum ping assist value as well as the usual max value just to give the end user full control on who they wish to connect to. This would be a big help to a lot of people who have complained about lower pinging servers playing worse than ones slightly higher. Great job on DumaOS btw.

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21 minutes ago, Netduma Admin said:

Hi Rob - this is a great idea. @Zennon suggested the same thing too. So we will be looking into this.

Thank you for your idea and for your kind words.

Yeh i mentioned it over a yr ago and thought i would bring it up again as most feature requests seem to get swept under the carpet understandably. Personally think this one could be a game changer for netduma and peoples online gaming experiences. 👍

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  • Administrators

Definitely. Let us know of anything else you think of, we're capturing all feedback which we will take into account each time we plan a Milestone.

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