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Slow speeds after upgrade


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Hi Team

I have just upgraded.

Max speeds dropped from 95 / 37 to 20/35
IPv6 is off in both LAN and WAN
WAN is connected via Static IP, Test is done wired to a PC.  No other network traffic as its currently 1:30 am lol

Disabling QoS returns me to my normal speeds, but that kind of defeats one of the purposes of having the router.

Any advice for getting normal speeds and maintaining QoS?

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  • Netduma Staff

I'm glad you get your full speeds with QoS disabled - that likely means this is something that can be fixed. Could you screenshot your QoS settings and send them over?

I'd recommend making sure the speed-test device isn't being prioritised (just turn off Traffic Prioritisation) then re-run the test on a wired PC. Make sure Anti-Bufferbloat is set to 'Always' and 100% down and up.

If you still aren't receiving near your full speeds, factory reset the router. After this, go to QoS and set Anti-Bufferbloat back to 'Always' and 100% down and up. Change nothing else and run a speedtest (make sure you're also using Speedtest.net).

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  • Administrators

Could you check share excess is enabled on your Bandwidth Allocation Options? There is a separate toggle for download and upload.

Could you also switch Anti-Bufferbloat to Never.

See if that works. If not, could you work your way through this guide (I appreciate you may have already tried some of these steps): http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000076586-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-speeds

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Hi Admin

Share excess is enabled:

Changed to never:

Never Speedtest:

As per the list in your link:

Anti-Bufferbloat - No changes on any of the three settings.

Share Excess - This is on as per your instruction and my screenshot.

Reset Bandwidth Allocation - This was completed after each change, no improvements.

Wired VS WiFi - Speedtest.net test is being completed via a wired PC

Ethernet Cables - Ethernet cable is CAT6

Disable Traffic Prioritisation - Some interesting results here (read bottom to top):

image.thumb.png.49fe1f858bcf487c6b44070d953d2481.pngDisable QoS - Disabling QoS returns normal speeds

Hope some of this data is useful.

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