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Yes the title says it all folks, I was just in a lobby killing everything in sight, until the cheaters couldn't take it anymore and decided to use their lag switches...I hope in a future update we get some firmware to combat this issue...I know the l*gb*ster had this by default, but it would be nice to see on the Netduma as well...

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That is something new to my. Could you explaina bit in depth how does works and how do you recognise one of the had beend used against you?

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AFAIK lag switches only work if you are host in a p2p match so with the dedis on AW I haven't experienced this yet.


In a nutshell a lag switch stops all network communication while it is active so if you are host and you press the switch everyone freezes but you can still shoot at them and kill them.  Ran into a load of these in BOPS2 but haven't seen any lately.

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Wtf are you serious hm i dont think i have ever run it to one of those then what is the point thats not achievement at all even plaing boots on a lowe leve is bigger achievement atlest they are on the move

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Wtf are you serious hm i dont think i have ever run it to one of those then what is the point thats not achievement at all even plaing boots on a lowe leve is bigger achievement atlest they are on the move

Cheaters gonna cheat

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I'd suggest you actually just block them by putting them in the deny list, this is how we deal with cheaters so you never have to play them again :)

I guess that's my only option, or I could stay away from Call of Duty Ghosts...

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I obviously wasn't condoning cheating, it was an example of what these cheaters do to win. That literally made me feel some type of way and I will no longer be a part of this forum because of that...

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Yes the title says it all folks, I was just in a lobby killing everything in sight, until the cheaters couldn't take it anymore and decided to use their lag switches...I hope in a future update we get some firmware to combat this issue...I know the l*gb*ster had this by default, but it would be nice to see on the Netduma as well...


Back in the days of the PS3/XBOX360 lag switching became a serious issue in CoD titles as the popularity spread around the world with YouTube videos showing how to do it.

Unfortunately, I think there's no 100% protection against this kind of cheating as the lag switcher got to be the host. Only prevention I could think of is that the Netduma measures the line quality constantly and checks whether the upload stream to the host is interrupted.

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I ran into a similar problem, like 3 weekends ago, with a local host who happened to have (somehow) modded the game for everyone in the lobby.  The mod was that you all ran around at 10X normal speed.  If you ran and jumped, you covered about 1/4 of the map, but you didn't jump any higher than a normal game.  Knives, and this was Blops 2 so the Butter knife was SO REAL, were so comical I think I pulled a muscle laughing.   All the other things in the game were normal speed (shot speed for your weapon, reloading, etc) - you just covered ground REALLY fast.


I played about 3 games, dude had a crazy good ping and I rated the lobby well because I wasn't sure he was the modder.  Turned out, he was, so I just rated him poorly and haven't run into another lobby like it.


If you know the host is the problem, you blacklist them and you don't run into that problem when there's a [Duma] in the lobby. :D



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