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PS4 network

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Welcome to the foruma and to the DUMA ARMY. ITa very comon issue at the start that people are having in majority of situatjon this just a matter of setting and teawking things up . like Buck sad follow those guide a see howbyou get on

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Hey fast welcome to the forum. As other people have said follow the guides they've provided to improve your speed. Also I wouldn't pay much attention to the PS4 or Xbox speed tests as they are usually unreliable. A speedtest from a wired PC will be more accurate :)

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  • Netduma Staff

HI all thanks for the welcome. I continued on with the fine tuning.Now my test was even lower than before.

Any other ideas . So if I was getting 33 maps on my old router shouldn't it show on the ps4. I can tell there's an issue.


Can you do the test through a wired PC using http://speedtest.net:) Also make sure that the bandwidth caps are set to 100% and that share excess is ticked.

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That feature is right were all of the options for geo filter are go to geo filter page then scrool down a bit and you will have a bunch of tick bozes just above the geo map one of the boxes is peer ping

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