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Fifa 19 geo filter ps4


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Hola, alguien me podría decir cuales son los mejores ajustes para usar el geo filter en division rivals, ya que siempre que pongo en el filtro 1500km strict mode on, no me busca partida diciendo que se ha perdido la conexión con el rival. Al aumentar el radio a 1700km alcanzo Alemania y ya me busca partida a un ping de 60-70 e incluso en algunos partidos me expulsa del partido y vuelvo al menu principal. Esto sin el host filtering activado no me pasa pero juego con mayor ping ya que me conecta a un server cerca de turquía. Juego en ps4 y tengo 100mb/50mb.

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47 minutes ago, Alexchampy said:

Division rivals on fifa 20 

Where are you located? Do you know if this gametype uses servers or if you directly connect to another player? What appears on your map when searching for a game?

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I’m located in Mexico, I’m not so sure if the game type connects to a server or directly to a player, when i search for a player on the map, only appears a red circle when the connection it’s successful, in the range that I set in kilometers, I noticed 2 or 3 grey locks out of the range..

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15 hours ago, Alexchampy said:

I’m located in Mexico, I’m not so sure if the game type connects to a server or directly to a player, when i search for a player on the map, only appears a red circle when the connection it’s successful, in the range that I set in kilometers, I noticed 2 or 3 grey locks out of the range..

That sounds like you're using the original firmware, is that correct? If so then grey locks represent blocked servers. So I would suggest either disabling strict mode to allow them or moving/resizing your radius to encompass the closest of those servers.

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5 minutes ago, FORLEBANON said:

How do I manually connect to a server i want ? I live in canada ontario and i keep conneting to the washingston server but its always bad, i want to try the server in california so how can i manually conect to it.

I've posted in your topic but I'll paste it here too, if you could continue in your own topic that would be great, thanks!

Regarding getting California, make sure the console is off completely and put your home location/radius around just that server. Make sure strict mode is on and Ping Assist is set to 0 with fast search disabled. Then boot up the console and game and it should force the server if it's available.

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