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Helping our French customers

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Hey guys, if you had just received our router and you can only speak French what would you imagine would be the issues you would face? What solutions do you think could solve these problems? 


We've had a few ideas of: 

  • Translating the Wiki
  • Making a French quick start guide

Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

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I would defently get the fine twicking guide translatet as its a simple stuff but at this same time so many get it worng question about the speeds comes so often. Another thing would be explenetion of setting section especialy the ones where is multicast snoopinetc and also i would ask french users and sort of prepare a base line setup or basick set up with different french providers like the moust popular ones and also few basick combos our user use like how to set up as a main router how tu setup with router that willl handle AC how to setup with net switch or smart devicec etc

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I think one idea for all would be to tell people to do a speed test or several speed tests with their existing router first to get the numbers to put into the bandwidth boxes.

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Just remembered an issue I had and I think a few others have had also about Anti virus software  causing issues. For me the geo filter did not run in live time I had to keep pressing ctrl F5 to refresh the page.

Disable anti virus software whilst gaming and all woks great.

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Also i think the first point should be a upgrade to the lates firmware and the instructions as i see that a lot that new mebere runn in to lost of trubels and they are still on a firmware version they purchase with the little white box

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A pictorial representation of the Quick Start + Fine Tuning guides, would be helpful to many non-English speakers, not just our French buddies.


Use Bullet Points where they're necessary, but focus on keeping the written words or phrases as simplistic as possible.

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the best way i think would be to have a good translated wiki and maybe a mod that can speak french and which is willing to help... in my case i speak both and i'm fairly knowledgeable but well there's the time issue ^^ and also as im working daytime and my work is basically troubleshooting via telefone it's like i would get back home in the evening and troubleshoot again (personally i don't know if i could have the patience to do that ^^) 

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Thats a great idea Manu, and your English is so good as well! I totally get that you wouldn't want to do essentially another version of your job in your free time! Perhaps if its not too much trouble we could get your help translating in the future?

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