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Questions before buying the XR500

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Will there be free software upgrades included with the XR500 similar with the R1? Will the XR500 be getting the anti-jitter feature? Is there ISP compatibility restrictions with the XR500 like the R1?

Currently using the TP-Link TC-7620 with the R1 but I also have the Netgear CM600. Thank you

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  1. Yes there will be free software updates for the XR500, we've released several already since launch
  2. Yes most likely assuming Netgear want the feature which I don't see why they wouldn't
  3. No there shouldn't be an ISP issues using the router
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several updates for the XR500, none for the R1. Thanks. Early adopters who helped spread the word about Netduma are being defecated on from a very great height. If you do this to R1 owners, I'd be very wary about becoming a XR500 owner.

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several updates for the XR500, none for the R1. Thanks. Early adopters who helped spread the word about Netduma are being defecated on from a very great height. If you do this to R1 owners, I'd be very wary about becoming a XR500 owner.


We understand your frustration as we too are frustrated that we don't have DumaOS working on R1 yet. But fwiw, R1 users will be getting a free upgrade to firmware that has taken us two years to develop and once we have the R1 working on DumaOS we can provide the same features across all DumaOS platforms. The only limiter would be the hardware.

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