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Proof Virginmedia don't Care for their Customers.


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As some of you are aware I have nothing but distane and utter contempt for Virginmedia after being with them for 16 years. I hate how they treat their customers and how shoddy their infrastructure is and poorly maintained thinking of profits and shareholders before customers and their network.


I have seen this cabinet at the bottom of my street and it has been this way for the past 5 weeks and although I am not a virgin customer now I felt it right to report this to them via a telephone number inside the cab. It has still not been repaired and even more wiring has been ripped out and left strewn all over the pavement. Virginmedia are shite!!!!!!!!!!!



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One engineers actions does not make the whole company not care :lol: :P that patch of grass looks tempting for dog to **** on.


But yeah they do have bad modems.

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The cabs round here are often left open for days like that, I'm shocked no idiots have come along and ripped out or snipped the wiring.

This is Open Reach who maintain these ones so I guess they couldn't care less neither.

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The cabs round here are often left open for days like that, I'm shocked no idiots have come along and ripped out or snipped the wiring.

This is Open Reach who maintain these ones so I guess they couldn't care less neither.

I have reported this several times over the past 5 weeks, theres even more wiring hanging out and over the pavement, it is disgusting. I have had issues over the years with virgin so seeing this just enhances my predjudice towards them.

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One engineers actions does not make the whole company not care :lol: :P that patch of grass looks tempting for dog to **** on.


But yeah they do have bad modems.

I agree with you on the modems, but I have reported this several times over the past 5 weeks and it is just getting worse. :D

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