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When the connections on point...


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What is your bandwitdh? And did you have the xr500 on your modem in dmz or you choose your console on the xr500 for dmz only? What about upnp?

Does the geofilter not working for you because of spectating mode?

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What is your bandwitdh? And did you have the xr500 on your modem in dmz or you choose your console on the xr500 for dmz only? What about upnp?

Does the geofilter not working for you because of spectating mode?


Only my ps4 in DMZ. I only have 1 console so dont need to use UPNP.


Bandwidth is 74 down and 16 up.


I play late at night so its difficult for me to find UK lobbies. During the day I usually have it turned on, but for this particular game those are my settings :)

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Ok thanks, i didn‘t know that, if the upnp mustn‘t be enable if you have just one console on it...maybe i try this..

If you have all the time a smoothy gameplay if you join in lobby‘s with this settings? Or is it different?

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Ok thanks, i didn‘t know that, if the upnp mustn‘t be enable if you have just one console on it...maybe i try this..

If you have all the time a smoothy gameplay if you join in lobby‘s with this settings? Or is it different?


It always varies, never have I had a consistent connection in this game. The player base is broken, I keep constantly connecting to french spanish and german players, and then the lag compensation takes over and the hit reg becomes bad.

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