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Help with Xr500

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Hey guys so I was having some good games because I had my location on Florida the ping to the sever near that location is 32ms . But now I can’t find a match in that location and when I put it to my original location my matches are horrible

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Hey guys so I was having some good games because I had my location on Florida the ping to the sever near that location is 32ms . But now I can’t find a match in that location and when I put it to my original location my matches are horrible


COD WWII by any chance ?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey I have been on the forum it because I haven’t had any issues but only when I play with my friend he has the netduma r1 we can never get the right settings so we can have good games we live in the same state he lives like 15 miles away.

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Hi Jack -  need a bit more information please. What exactly does not feel right? I recommend you both setup your Geo-filter with same settings ie distance and home location. Then you will guarantee the same servers together

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He’s just a mislocated IP address. Nothing to worry about there. As for the hit detection it is probably just the game. Keep tying different server areas until you get one you both like. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys back again and sorry for being a pain. So now my xr500 keeps loosing internet connection When is not being use every time I wake up in the morning or when I’m At work . I have my computer Xbox one PS4 my netgear arlo camera connected all by Ethernet and they always loose internet connection . I tried resetting the router I tried everything and it keeps happening. Other than that I’ve the router works really good.

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