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Not even the R1 can help CODAW


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Have you tried fine twicing you router as this hit detection its very bad. Just wondering are you sure you have all set up correctly etc.

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This was a P2P host.


Been trying for weeks to get a good host without players from outside the US.


Have yet to find one.


I have fine tuned the R1.

Tried all different geo ranges and PAs with no luck.


I have to make the geo filter large just to find a game and not get lobby booting.

Increasing the PA only gets me into lag fests.

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well like i sad its best to create a new topic regarding lag help in general forum posting all of the info needed in that link and there will be people who can help you a lot more then i can

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there are two easy solutions:


1) set geo-filter range to 111km which is the lowest, strict mode on, ping assist to 50 or 60ms

now you should only find games with less than 50 or 60ms

problem with the geo-filter is that you might pick up some idiot in your region whos uploading while gaming thus having a 700ms ping


2) dont play CoD but BF, its better in every regard and solely runs on dedicated servers that even show you their ping in the server browser

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I had to restart my modem, asus router, and R1 several times to resolve the ping issues. 

Don't know what happened. 

My ping is better now. 

Though I'm still playing behind everyone in the lobby. 


If I get time I will post my problems in the support forum.


Thanks for the help fellas.

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