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Internet diagnosis tools not working


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  • Netduma Staff

It just wont run the test, it flashes the pop up briefly but won't run the test. Just wondering if I was the only one having this issue, it worked last week for me.


Do you get the bouncing lines after you click 'Run Test' and see the pop up?

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  • Netduma Staff

No just flashes the little pop up that normally comes up when it's finished but doesn't run the test. 


You got any ad-blocker running? If you do try disabling it and see if it works. Failing that, try a restart of the router :)

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  • Netduma Staff

When you click 'Run Test', do you mean the pop up that says you won't have internet connection?


When it doesn't work, can you right click on the page, click 'inspect element' then click 'console' and take a screen shot of that please.

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  • Netduma Staff

It's the box that has the link for expand results I think, it flashes so fast I can't get a screen shot of it sorry.


Thats fine :) I don't think I explained well. Can you right click anywhere on the page after you press 'Run Test', click 'Inspect element' on the drop down box then click the 'Console' tab. Take a screen shot of that please if possible.

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Hey Z if I were to do this too,what exactly would it delete as you guys know I'm not the most tech savvy guy in the world.I just don't want to delete something on my chrome that i'm gonna need as chrome is all I use for my duma.So am I gonna have to re download everything on there ?

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Use the link to get to the page you need https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95582?hl=en-GB

and just tick cache to delete and select from the beginning of time from the drop down box and untick everything else this will clear all cached web pages , slight changes in them can cause loading issues or buttons that wont click etc when the cache does not match the new layout.


If you are not seeing any problems you do not need to but it will not harm anything if you choose to clear the cache.

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