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Some questions about netduma router


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Hi I've been looking into getting a new router lately and the Netduma seems to be what I need but I have a few questions about it. Everything I've read/watched says it has QoS/prioritization but they always mention things like facebook, youtube, torrenting, etc. I'm curious if it will be able to prioritize my game over my 2nd pc that is streaming at 6,000 bitrate to twitch.


I can record offline and not even notice it, but with my current router, as soon as I start streaming, everything I do in game feels noticably delayed despite my ping staying the same. It feels as though everything I am uploading to the game is being delayed because my 2nd pc is streaming. Will a netduma router alleviate this? Keep in mind my ping isn't raising but the game feels delayed anyway.


Secondly, will this thing work with windows 7?


edit: to clarify I have 1 pc that is for playing games, and a 2nd pc that is for streaming. I want the games on my first pc to be prioritized over my 2nd pc which is streaming at 6k+ bitrate. This seems like it might be difficult to do but the Netduma seems like it might be capable.

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It will work with windows 7, I have it running on one of my windows machine on that. Just make sure to use chrome or Firefox browsers.

The R1 will allow you to specify what amount of your bandwidth is allowed to go to what device and there is a hyperlane which you can put your gaming pc into to prioritise it's traffic. Congestion Control will help stop any local congestion of data on your network.

Im sure Fraser will be along soon with a more technical explanation. Cheers.

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I would assume streaming at 6k bitrate you have pretty high upload bandwidth? Anyways, 70% congestion control and put the PC you're gaming on in hyperlane and you'll be good to go.

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Yeah I have around 20mb up. Like I said, my ping never spikes and the game and stream are both smooth, I can still upload files and download anything while streaming, I have plenty of bandwidth to spare. Ping is not an issue, bandwidth is not an issue, but I can FEEL a very small delay in my actions within the game. For example, in fps games I can feel my bullets registering later than they usually do, in league of legends my character reacts to my clicks later. It's very very slight, but it's there and it drives me nuts. This delay is not there at all when I am recording offline, only when streaming. I am streaming/recording my game pc using a 2nd pc with a capture card and I feel ZERO lag when I'm just recording, so the delay isn't input lag or anything like that, its purely network related. I'm hoping some sort of qos/congestion control/hyperplane will get rid of that very small delay but it might be something only a 2nd internet connection to the 2nd pc can fix.

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Yeah I have between 15 and 30up, depending on the time. It never goes below 15mb though. I would probably cap the netduma somewhere between 10-13mb and always have enough bandwidth to stream at 6k bitrate. Like I said, my ping never spikes and the game and stream are both smooth, but I can FEEL a very small delay in my actions within the game. For example, in fps games I can feel my bullets registering later than they usually do, in league of legends my character reacts to my clicks later. It's very very slight, but it's there and it drives me nuts. This delay is not there at all when I am only recording with the 2nd pc. It is recording my game pc with a capture card so the delay isn't input lag or anything like that, its purely network related. I'm hoping some sort of qos/congestion control/hyperplane will get rid of that very small delay but it might be something only a 2nd internet connection to the 2nd pc can fix.


No need to cap anything, like I said you put the congestion control sliders on 70% and you're good. Add your gaming PC to hyperlane and those packets have priority over the rest of your devices. With DumaOS coming out soon it can only make it better also.

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Hey Mod Box I pretty heavily editted that message you quoted if you wouldn't mind reading over it again, and thanks for any help you provide m8.


What modem/router do you currently use?


I have 12 Mbps up, and if I was streaming at 6k bitrate I can tell you without any kind of qos your ping will spike.


Try downloading pingplotter and start streaming like normal while pinging You'll see your ping moving quite a bit. Whether that is what you're feeling, I don't know... Could be a few things to be honest. But it honestly can't hurt to have the Netduma and prioritize your gaming traffic over your stream/other devices.

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The modem is a netgear cg3000d. And after spending over 12 hours yesterday tweaking settings trying to get rid of this lag, my router is bricked and doesn't work anymore. It was an Asus RT-n66u. The same problem is there with and without the router though.

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So does anyone think this will actually solve my problem? My problem isn't your usual lag, too many devices, not enough bandwidth etc. It's a very miniscule, nearly undetectable amount of network lag that doesn't actual raise my ping or anything, caused by my stream pc constantly streaming at such a high bit rate 

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Using hyper traffic you can prioritise packets from your gaming machine / console so they leave and and on their return get processed before other traffic on your network.

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Using hyper traffic you can prioritise packets from your gaming machine / console so they leave and and on their return get processed before other traffic on your network.

Right. That's what I've been hearing but it just sounds too good to be true. I guess i'm just really skeptical. I'm sure it works great for prioritizing your xbox over your families cell phones and stuff like that, I just would like to hear from someone doing something similar to what I'm doing (though I'm aware not many people are trying to stream at 6k bitrate with 0 network or input lag and my expectations might be too high and/or I'm spoiled)

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Right. That's what I've been hearing but it just sounds too good to be true. I guess i'm just really skeptical. I'm sure it works great for prioritizing your xbox over your families cell phones and stuff like that, I just would like to hear from someone doing something similar to what I'm doing (though I'm aware not many people are trying to stream at 6k bitrate with 0 network or input lag and my expectations might be too high and/or I'm spoiled)


Hyperlane sets port numbers to prioritize that network traffic from any device you specify on your network over the rest of the devices. In your case you'd pick the Xbox Live hyperlane service which adds ports 1024-65535 udp to hyperlane which should be the ports of almost every game. I'm sure with DumaOS coming we'll be able to use specific port ranges.


There's nothing to be skeptical about, this router does exactly what it says it will do... The end results comes down to the user and if they have a brain.


As for your modem, I don't know anything about it specifically... But it looks to be an all in one modem/router which I personally hate and would advise against using.

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