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Noob With A Question...

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Hello everyone. I've heard great things about this forum's community, glad to finally be apart of it. 


I just received my router 2 days ago. I only play Destiny on X1 and have a question I haven't been able to find on here or in videos. I got the jist of the geo filtering tool, but my question is how do I know who the "red bar" players are inside the geo fence during a game? Is there a way to know this info? And I've heard on videos that "the bigger circle is typically your host", but in my geo fence every circle is big (same size), so how can I tell who is actually hosting the game? I do load the Destiny profile, if that matters at all. 


Sorry if these are noob questions, just want to use this Netduma the best I can. Thanks the help!




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Hi, I have not played Destiny but in other games when you are in a game the biggest circle is the host, between games during the lobby wait time you may see circles get bigger and smaller. This I believe is people communicating (chatting) with each other.

When the game starts there will be only one large circle. (well thats what it does on cod lol)

The. flour represents the device, So the first device such as your PS4 would be red. If you set up another console such as PS3 on the next setting it would appear green if I remember correctly.

If you are talking about the ping bars of the players then there is no way to currently tell which player that is but I think it may be an upcoming feature on the new DUMAOS2.


Not noob questions at all, Ive been here over 2 years and only "think' I got those right lol Welcome to the Duma Army. :)

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If all circles are the same size (small) when the game is underway, the host is off the map and you'll need to zoom out to see it (the large circle).

If all circles are the same size (large) when the game is underway, you are the host.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!


As it's Destiny you're likely connecting through P2P hence why all circles are the same size. The only way currently to see who the red bar player is to ping each circle individually. We'll be making this easier in DumaOS where you will be able to click on the peer ping bars to find out which player is which and then block them if you want.

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