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I set my radius to strict mode, but I still get placed in matches well outside of my radius.. Joining the same matches over and over.. 


Also, what is "Ping Assist" and what should I set it to?

What is your Ping Assist set at ? if its say 30ms then you will still connect to servers outside your Geo-Filter if they are at or below your Ping Assist. That is what Ping Assist does it allows you to join servers at set value, to find your Ping go to Internet Diagnosis and run it, it will then give you your average Ping, then go back to you Host Filtering and enter the value into the Ping Assist box and add around 5ms to it. So if you value was say 25ms you would enter 30ms in the box.

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What the guy's mean is that when you have your ping assist on and yours is 60ms you will connect to servers outside the filter.


Turning it to 0 should stop the ping assist and you should not connect outside the filter with strict mode on.


Give it a whirl :)

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If that stops them appearing outside your radius, I'd suggest moving it back as ping assist is doing its job. Basically ping assist will let hosts under 60ms get through your Geo-Filter regardless of distance which is a good thing as it increase the number of potential good hosts you can connect too!

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Also remember that if you are connected to a server outside your filter (due to it been in your pa zone) and then lower your ping assist value or geo filter radius you have to wait 2 minutes to prevent you from joining the same server/host. Built in anti cheat thing. :)

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