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Port Fowarding or upnp? IPv6?

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I currently have the Netgear CM600 as my ISP and it's only a modem, do I need to disable the upnp? I'm currently using upnp on the Duma.


Is upnp better than port forwarding?


I currenly have IPv6 disabled on the Duma LAN, WAN and Misc. do I need to also disable it on my ISP?


I apologize if my questions are dumb, im not tech savvy at all. Thank you for your help

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If you have the CM600 it should not have a upnp or IPv6 setting because it is only a modem.

Use upnp = multiple gaming devices

Portforwarding = single gaming device

**Do not use port forwarding and upnp together***

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Someone needs to lay off the whiskey before posting lol

Whiskey or no whiskey, that man has forgotten more about IT and networking than most of us will ever know.

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