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Understanding limited UPLOAD and its impact on streaming vs gameplay experience (HELP NEEDED)

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Hey Everyone,


So my title is slightly over the top but it's exactly what I need help with.


Let me get straight to the point.


My upload is a steady maximum of 1.9 meg. I stream at 720p 30fps set to a bitrate of 1.5 meg. (My down is 35-50meg)


So to my logic that gives me headroom of roughly half a meg which as far as I know is more than enough to game uninterrupted in terms of signal transmission.


I need your help forum. I'm of course not particularly knowledgeable on this subject.


I'm experiencing high ping of 150ms+ when streaming... now call me ignorant, but why is this? Have I not given myself usable headroom?


Is there a way to manipulate my exact needs on the duma? Why is my ping increasing?


Also I should add, the pc is streaming the video from an xbox one.


Send your ideas and recommendations.



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I'm not positive about this advice I am going to give, but IMO you're maxed out  on your upload value while you're streaming. With the stream active, your console requirements, and any other network activity at your house you're giving her everything she's got. ( to use a quote from Star Trek) So if you use the CC slider on your Upload you will restrict the bandwidth to the point where there is a bottleneck.  Try having your Upload CC slider at 100%, make sure you have your console in the Hyper Traffic lane, Share excess ticked, and see if that lowers your ping.

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