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Version 1.03.6 buggy with IW

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stumbled upon a problem playing IW what some of us are facing as well, where the geo filter, congestion control etc.. panels are loading very slow, it starts after a few matches on Infinite Warfare, would like some feedback why IW may be doing this could answer all the questions many have asked.

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yeah, i do not use port forwarding at all and never have and just use upnp with no problems! port forwarding is a security risk as it leaves those ports open and vulnerable.

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I'll check this out tomorrow.

For me, on Xbox, my GUI has been working fine with manual port forwarding while the Geo is disabled.

I'll put the Geo on and see what happens...

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I'll check this out tomorrow.

For me, on Xbox, my GUI has been working fine with manual port forwarding while the Geo is disabled.

I'll put the Geo on and see what happens...

that's weird must be certain ports that relate for the PS4, not the Xbox.  I had to delete the ports after that everything worked fine no issues sense deleting the ports.

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Hello I am from France I have a lot of problem to find parts or your impression to fall in 3 balls ect .... I opened my port for iw in manual 3076 udp I am on xbox and what have you done? Thank you for giving your settings to trye thanks in advance

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Bruvva's, I have all the same problems as everyone else and then some!
First, the game is laggy, hard to find a lobby, full of bugs bugs bugs!
I've tried with AND without the R1 plugged in and it makes NO DIFFERENCE!!!

I have found only ONE dedicated server so far. It is waaaay on the east coast,
thousands of miles away. I live in Seattle. There are no damn dedis!!

What a rip-off!!!

I turned on BO3 today, PERFECT, went instantly to the California Dedi,
only one match lagged out. Blocked! (i love that feature)

IW maps are shit, the game is shit, the connection is shit.
I will not play IW again until I hear they have fixed all this!!!

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Posted · Hidden by Netduma Fraser, November 15, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Netduma Fraser, November 15, 2016 - No reason given

yeah, i do not use port forwarding at all and never have and just use upnp with no problems! port forwarding is a security risk as it leaves those ports open and vulnerable.

Backwards!  UPnP is the security risk. It allows rogue programs to open any port they see fit and allow access to your network/devices. Manual port forwarding allows the ports to hit only that static address if the Port is in use and requested by that device at at time. Period.  UPnP is the largest security hole in modern networks and most Admins worth their salts will NOT allow for it.  They might tell you this shit at Best Buy or whatever tiddly wink place you guys learned networking but it isn't true.  Pick up any book on basic principles of Network Security.  One rogue device can impose it's will on your network with UPnP enabled.  Jesus more misinformation.  

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