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Upgrading to Fiber(gigabit) Q's re: antiflood and new antijitter

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Firstly, thanks to everyone on the forum for your previous posts, I have been able to upgrade firmware and tweak settings w/out any issues thanks to reading your posts and guides! Q? I am thinking of changing my setup to ISP<Duma<PS4 after my upgrade. If I understand correctly, enabling Super Turbo mode will disable my AntiFlood and other congestion controls anyway so there is no need to go Duma<ISP<PS4 anymore. However, I am not sure if this setup will affect the upcoming anti jitter settings as I don't understand how such things work. Any guidance or experience you could share would be greatly appreciated.

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The anti-jitter you are referring to would be part of congestion control so if you didn't have everything connected to the R1 you would miss out on this. Unless things change you may not be able to use it with super turbo enabled.

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Thanks Fraser! I will set it up like I had it before then. I suppose I could toggle super turbo off when I am gaming, this would allow me to use the new anti-jitter and also to set my sliders to avoid buffer bloat.

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  • 2 months later...

I currently have TWC for cable, phone and internet (300/20). 


I noticed a very large number of AT&T trucks in my neighborhood.  I saw a guy by his truck and asked him about the trucks.  It seems that AT&T are starting to put fiber within my area to start offering to residents.  He could not offer an ETA, so I called AT&T.  The sales rep stated that "within 2-3 months" I should be able to get fiber to my house.  I was looking at fiber for a dedicated gaming line (my laptop, PS4, PS3).  They offer 100M, 300M and 1G bandwidths. 


For a dedicated line, I would just get the 100M or 300M depending on the deals, which are cheaper.


I am also considering the 1G for the whole house and canceling the TWC internet.   For gaming, is it better to NOT use Super Turbo so congestion control can be used? 


For those with gigabit,  what are your Duma settings for gaming?

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Ew AT&T? They are notoriously known for being garbage. I wouldn't even worry about having speeds higher than your own, what would be more ideal to me would be the network quality. Eg, jitter, how the ISP is routing your data etc. To me that matter more than having a gig connection. That's what's gonna make you win your gunfights alot more. 300/20 I think your honestly overkilling it lol. Everyone "thinks" they need those kinda speeds because they think it somehow makes it more Superior to their lower connection. We know that's not true. I would truely be careful and read up about at&t fiber before jumping on that.

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Ew AT&T? They are notoriously known for being garbage. I wouldn't even worry about having speeds higher than your own, what would be more ideal to me would be the network quality. Eg, jitter, how the ISP is routing your data etc. To me that matter more than having a gig connection. That's what's gonna make you win your gunfights alot more. 300/20 I think your honestly overkilling it lol. Everyone "thinks" they need those kinda speeds because they think it somehow makes it more Superior to their lower connection. We know that's not true. I would truely be careful and read up about at&t fiber before jumping on that.

Yeah actual speed is ping.


Width is just the size of the pipe the ping travels in, give me small width and low ping any day, like you say.

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Well I mean, for all I know the at&t fiber could be a better option. But their uverse was garbage complete and utter trash. Their cell phone service is a joke. This is coming from the many reviews some first hand experience and people I've known to have these services. It feels unlikely that they are going to provide a quality gigabit or even fiber network that's worth messing with. I mean its possible I guess I just think they have a pretty poor reputation. Time Warner cable is decent but not top of the line cable either, as far as I'm concerned there's mixed reviews when it comes to having them. I'm guessing where your located makes a difference. I know a girl in NY who has them and their pretty decent there, but then my friend not to far away from me says it's not that great, when I had them personally it was hit or miss but definitely better than the trash I play on now that's for sure. I remember when I used to complain about 2/10 or better matches being great now it's like 5/10 or less that are great lol. The best isps are probably Verizon FiOS or Google fiber which is in my opinion from all the reviews of customers and my friends that have it say it's pretty top notch stuff, and Google has a giant reputation for everything they do and tons of money to back up all of their projects so it's not like they will slip up, not to mention their hiring process doesn't just let any bimbo in either. Verizon's hold a pretty good reputation as well for quality network etc. Idk just make sure when you get them your not locked into contract so as to make sure your service isn't going down hill and then your stuck with fees to get out of it lol.

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I fully understand that ping is the key element here and not bandwidth.  Right now I suffer from all the issues with typical cable.  Based upon inputs from the forums, I have been looking at a dedicated ADSL (only real option other than cable) for gaming until I found out that AT&T fiber will be available soon.  Verizon FIOS and Google Fiber are not currently available.


Yes, I know that AT&T Uverse is not that great.  My girlfriend recently switched from AT&T because of the bad service.  


The 300/20 is not for gaming.  It is for all the teens and young adult bandwidth hogs in my household that are constantly streaming youtube, netflix, apple tv, etc.  I frequently have 10-20 teens and adults at my house for the weekends that are gaming (multiple consoles) on the internet, streaming, etc.  I actually paid for 50/5 and TWC upgraded me for free to 300/20.    


I appreciate everyone's inputs; however, I was asking how people handle gigabit bandwidth with gaming.  With the gigabit would I still need to provide device priorization or need congestion control for gaming IF I used gigabit for the whole house?

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  • 4 weeks later...

With all that bandwidth I don't think you'll ever need CC tbh. You'll never cap out those speeds. But with super turbo you lose your hyperlane. I don't think it'll matter to dedicate bandwidth or need the CC flower. But I guess it can be trial and error right? Try maxing your speeds and if no issue then screw it your golden with no CC but if not then I guess turbo mode it is and then you can utilize CC while trying to get the most bandwidth the netduma would allow. Who knows maybe the att fiber won't be so bad.

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