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No SFV Profile?

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I'm wondering why there isn't a profile for SFV? I see there's one for MKX and Smash Bros. but not for SFV. I find this odd since it's the most well known fighting game. When will a profile be added for SFV or how can I make one? Using the geo-filer doesn't always see to work well for me in finding me matches against players with good connections that are near me. 

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Doesn't that game already have a way to filter in game to get good lobbies/players? Last I checked I think it does so I don't see the point in creating one tbh & fighting games you can just use the MKX filter just to play in your region... Although now that I think about it isn't ps4 region locked? Lol 

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You can filter out PC players if you're playing on PS4. You can also tell the game to match you with players with good connections ranging from 2-5 bars. But setting it for 4 or 5 doesn't always yield a strong connection though. Otherwise, there is no geo-filer in game that would allow players to search for opponents in their geographic region. You're saying the MKX filter would help keep matches in SFV as lag free as possible?

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! I believe Street Fighter V should work out with the MKX profile; feel free to play with the settings. We haven't got a profile for it currently since we're a pretty small team - we're testing a bunch of games all the time, but I'll ask out game tester if he knows the best settings for SFV.


As a general rule, most multiplayer games will benefit from the "general gaming" profile. You can however create your own profile by choosing your settings and clicking "save current settings". It could be that the way SFV's servers are configured is difficult to keep lag-free, however. Could you tell us where you were being connected to when you get bad games?

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Hey, welcome to the forum! I believe Street Fighter V should work out with the MKX profile; feel free to play with the settings. We haven't got a profile for it currently since we're a pretty small team - we're testing a bunch of games all the time, but I'll ask out game tester if he knows the best settings for SFV.


As a general rule, most multiplayer games will benefit from the "general gaming" profile. You can however create your own profile by choosing your settings and clicking "save current settings". It could be that the way SFV's servers are configured is difficult to keep lag-free, however. Could you tell us where you were being connected to when you get bad games?

Thanks for the reply. I'll try out the MKX profile with SFV. I generally have my wired PS4 connected to my R1 that's set to "General Gaming" while playing SFV. I'm in the Midwest US and the only Capcom server I connect with is the east coast matching making server. Despite my geo filter set to about 1100 miles I get matched with players well outside that range every few matches. It's not a rampant or constant issue but it's annoying when it happens because these matches are generally laggy. I'm wondering if I can streamline my settings to eliminate it as much as possible.

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