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Internet Explorer. Git 'er dunn!

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Netduma doesnt work on IE. I read here n there this is being worked on.
Chrome uses 3x the CPU power that IE does.
Even tho I am soon upgrading from an i5 to an i7, this should still be remedied.
Anyhoo, NETDUMA SON!!!

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It works fine on firefox , you could just use a speparate browser just when you use the netduma while gaming. :)


I work with computers and IE is very buggy still to this day and most customers that have "i can not login to my email" "i can not ******" usualy boils down to a bug with IE.

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Which bits don't work on IE. I'm on Linux so its always a pain to test IE


Also "Netduma SOn" is my gamer tag on xbl lol

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It appears that I am able to change functions and settings and such.

The problem is you cannot see any host blips at all on the radar screen at all.(geo-filter)

Although the R1 seem to work, and I am able to get into a game, I cant SEE anything.
When I switch over to Chrome all is well.

This is not a huge deal, except for the CPU usage of Chrome.
I will try another browser as Zennon suggested.
Thanks fellas.

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I work in software development, though nothing noteworthy I am afraid.  For whatever reason I.E. is a nightmare for us as well.  When we get feedback, one of the first questions is always "what browser are they using" and if the response is "I.E." - the feedback from my guys is always "Why?!?!".


I don't know the specifics, but before I got into this field I always used IE.  Now I always use Chrome and Safari and Firefox.  *shrug*

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One good redeeming feature is its smart screen actualy stop's some malware sites and downloads ,it is a shame about the rest of it.

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Just use Firefox. Chrome and Safari uses massive CPU cycles and firefox is just fine. It's hard to stream from my Macbook and look at the duma page at the same time while using Chrome or Safari. 

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