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Geo-Filter problems

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I am having some issues lately with GeoFilter. I live in Greece and I have been using the GeoFilter regularly when playing FIFA since last June. But lately, starting 10 days ago, the geo filter seems to be randomly working. Prior to this, it always showed me in the map as a host and I could see the players the PS4 was trying to connect to. Now it never shows my location and it sometimes shows my opponents location. I have multiple consoles connected on the Duma (2 PS4s, 1 XB One) and have all of them as Hyper-Traffic and enabled on the geo filter. I experimented with deleting the Hyper-services or alternating between Preemptive and Reactive to no avail.



Also, is there a way to delete some of the devices shown on Device Prioritisation, Network Monitor and Device Manager? It shows every single device that was ever connected to the router (33) when I only use 5-6 devices.



Thank you in advance.

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Hi DexterHol, welcome to the forum   :)


Usually a reboot of all devices corrects the Geo-filter including the device your connecting to the gui with. Mostly its down to the browser (in my experience with Firefox on my laptop) which was out of date, once it was updated everything was smooth again & I haven't had anything odd happen since.


When adjusting any settings, rebooting the Netduma from the Settings tab> Misc> Reboot Router is always the best policy.


You can delete devices displayed in the Device Priority flower by clicking Device Manger tab> Edit  They'll be displayed in a list. When you select Delete on a device, wait a second or two for it to disappear, this prevents you double-clicking & accidently deleting devices you want to keep.

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  • Netduma Staff

Going into the Device Manager, clicking "Edit", and clicking "Delete" on devices should get rid of them. You should try using the Fifa Profile; but that sounds like Fifa has changed something on their side. They could have potentially changed their multiplayer set-up, since a lot of Fifa players have struggled connecting to games for a while now. See if the Fifa profile changes the what the Geofilter shows you; do you still get games easily?

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Yes I get games easily still. I just cannot filter out players from far away. I always use the FIFA profile before playing. Earlier today it showed me the location of the players I connected to like normal. Now it's off again. Yeah, you might need to work on that and improve your FIFA profile with your upcoming firmware upgrade.

Also, I have a request I already made via twitter. I think it would help a lot if you give us an extra option to filter out specific countries within the radius range on Geo-Filter. There are some countries with terrible lag although they're nearby, mostly Italy.


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  • Netduma Staff

Just to clarify, you can't filter out players using the Geofilter; only hosts. Nobody can stop other players from connecting to a game - no matter where they're connecting from. We can't prevent players from countries with worse connections from joining your host, since that would be unfair on others wanting to play the game. It sounds like the Netduma is doing its job though. What's your average ping in Fifa?

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I'm not really sure I understand your original issue. You'll never see yourself on the map, you will only know you're the host if all circles are the same size & pulsating. I may be mistaken but I believe FIFA is based on P2P, in which case you're only connecting to 1 other person and not a server, is that correct? If so then you should be blocking them. Is strict on & Ping assist at 0? If ping assist isn't at 0 that is fine but it does mean it will allow outside the radius under the limit you set.

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@Jack Yeah, I don't mean it like that, I have only used it on FIFA so far, not on a FPS game where multiple players connect to a game, and on FIFA when it does not allow the other player to play me in effect it filters him out from my game. I don't know if that makes sense or if I completely misunderstood your post. Also about ping, when I ping my opponents I get from 70-120 ms within Europe, 150+ from opponents in North Africa and Middle East and with opponents from Greece around 25-30ms.


@Fraser I don't know why but that's exactly what it did for me the whole summer when I was playing FIFA 16 on PS4. There was me on the map as this small circle the whole time there, no matter if I was on a game or not,it just appeared as I connected on FIFA and then when I searched for a game the opponent started out as a bigger circle and when I connected and started to play it got same size as my circle.Opponents outside the range were shown as the yellow exclamation mark triangle on the map and they were skipped completely, the game just kept searching for another player. And to my knowledge FIFA is not P2P you connect to other guys through a server, that's what I get from all the people complaining about EA's servers and I think when I pressed Trace on a host it went to multiple places it did not connect me and him directly. Ping assist was at 85ms, as I have seen after checking multiple opponents that games below that were tolerable. Were can I see if strict is on?

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