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destiny RoI today public service announcement

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if anyone is looking forewards to this dont bother as the servers are being ddossd so the whole she bang is down the forum/apps the lot so no RoI update/patch/unlock code this is happening across ALL platforms.

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like my m8s say this will happen on bf1 launch so theres no point in pre-ordering a game for launch day anymore due to ppl that havnt discoverd internet porn .............

also bungle have implemented a queue system due to server traffic im currently at 210151 you sit there for 20 mins and move up the list then get booted and end up even higher than before good effort.

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the game and forum are up and running i dont know about the apps though , i played 30 mins just doing bounties (got to go out so no point starting RoI yet) and had no issues other than slow to sign in

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