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ive been playing with the same set up isp and controllers for a long while now, except for one of ps4 controllers being brand new.now my issue started while aiming in it seemed the move further than intended. so resting the system resolved the issue only for it to come back. same result when i would calibrate my controller. so i did some investigations and spoke with some support personnel whom all told me pretty much the same things. bad controller, interference, or software issue from game (bo3). Activision even gave me a code to download transformers for free to see if the issue carried over to that game......  i didnt understand the interference cause it would still happen if the controller was plugged into the system.. but hey maybe the ps4 only charges when plugged in, havent research that.

im here asking if anyone else had this issue after switching to a netduma router, cause i never knew this to exist till i did. when you reboot the netduma does it automatically pick a signal channel. since i was also told by playstation themselves to play the game without the router to rule it in or out. which i have done in the past but the issue didnt occur and i didnt leave it there long enough to see if it would. so i have changed the signal channel and ready to try this out, and this would be for nothing. also looking at a wifi analyzer before selecting a channel it goes to 14 which is also highly recommended but the netduma only does 11.  thanks for reading and possibly commenting    

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having the controller connected by the usb does not make it wired, the cable only charges the controller (there is a gadget out there that bypasses the wireless and forces data through the usb). The wireless signal is sent via bluetooth 4 and if there are other devices in the vacinity that are on bluetooth version 4 then there could be interference. If you are gaming wirelessly then you are gonna suffer from lag as it is far better to play wired over ethernet.

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Bluetooth can/does operate/interfere within the 2.4GHz band. So possibly your new controller is causing interference with your wifi connection. If you are truly having issues you need to do as said above and test for least congested but in our neck of the woods if the controller starts doing that we set the channel to auto and hard reset the controller.  Guys I play with have had some of the newer controllers cause this exact thing. They are hardwired, but we moved the AP further away form the controllers area. A little can be a lot. 

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That is correct, it is due to countries using certain frequencies for radar and other types of traffic monitoring by military and aviation authorities. 

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