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Speed questions


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It is not required but it is recommended. If you expect to get your full speeds need to use reactive. If bandwith is more important then go with reactive but if gameplay is more important then see which one plays better for you and the decide.

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There's an easy check for what works great for you.


1.) Run the site http://www.dslreports.com/speedtestin the address bar of your browser

2.) Click on "This is for setting test preferences" (the gear icon)

3.) Tick "Hi-Res BufferBloat (10hz not 1hz)

4.) Input 32 in the field "No. download streams"

5.) Input 32 in the field "No. upload streams"

6.) Tick Lo-fi (no graph animation)

7.) Click Save

8.) Run the speed test and check your bufferbloat and quality results and get details by clicking "Results + Share"


To optimize your connection from the Netduma interface slowly (10 % steps) move your sliders for download and upload speeds

in the left direction to reduce them and make a seperate speed test at the site from above.

Repeat these steps until you receive the best results possible.


By the way: For a good gameplay it is recommended to achieve the best quality grading besides bufferbloat...

You can check the quality grading by clicking Results + Share after the speed test is done.

Scroll down to "Server view" and check the "Re-Xmit Avg". As a rule of thumb: the smaller the number the better.

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I would recommend reactive for your speeds. In regards to the anti-flood sliders it sounds like not every device is connected to the R1 which is why it's having an adverse affect. Ensure ALL devices are connected to the R1 and 70/70 anti-flood

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