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...something weird is going on with my ISP I assume.Went to run a Internet Diagnosis test thru my duma and my base ping has jumped from 28.44 to 51.44,fuck me.And on the trace route I'm missing hops that were never missing before and a lot of them 3 and 4 and 12-19 which I was not missing before.


Any ideas on as to why,like I said I'm assuming it's my ISP,I tried a new cable from duma to other router,new cable from duma to laptop and still the same results.Tried both reboot and factory reset on both routers.My speeds are still what they should be but I can say running the diagnosis test takes almost 5 full minutes to complete.


And before I had excellent in ping,jitter and spikes with no packet loss,now I have ok for ping and the rest is as before,excellent and no packet loss.


I'm kinda out of ideas,any help as I'm trying to rule everything out before I call a tech.

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Running it now Z as I've never had a problem with using I've never run it to anything else so I don't know how high it would ping normally but looks to me like it's steady at 75.1.


I should have added that I did run PP last night to google and it was steady 51.4 but still way higher that normal.But the in game ping on the duma reads 25 ms which it usually does.

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Hmmm.  It's summer time and I suspect construction is raging there as well.  Have you noticed a higher than usual amount of trucks from your ISP in the area?


We would frequently have to adjust or amend previous plant designs to tie in new neighborhoods, new short plats of a few homes and shit like that, which would affect the other customers on that plant.


Would that account for the change in base ping?  It's possible, but I'd say it's a pretty small possibility.


One thing to consider is the massive heat that is hitting everywhere, and I know it's bad by you.  Transmission through any medium, like cable/twisted pair, changes with the weather.  When it's hot, attenuation goes up (so more loss through the same distance) and when the temp drops to low temps for your area, attenuation goes down/line levels go up and cause reverse problems.


In addition, when heat increases, power supplies (like transformers and AC to DC converters, which are used by in-line plant active devices) are more heavily taxed and begin to experience an increase what I call "dirty power".  You get more abnormalities when electronics are pushed outside their comfort zone, which is why buildings with racked electronics always have an AC unit set to "Sub-Arctic Conditions".


Follow Zen's sage advice and make a few runs over the next couple of days, but document it on a new notebook page.  That way you can show them what you used to have, and then what you currently have going on.


I hope this is something simple, like a new line was cut in and the levels were not balanced correctly.  But, I would not rule out the heat and the effects it is having on the power sources providing your interwebs my friend.

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I will add PP looks as it usually does highest ping is 24,2 on hop 9,hop 10 is blank and hop 11 to twitter is 75.2


Does that make any sense ?

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And JD thanks for your input on the situation,I'm gonna go out and check a critter haven't done anything with the cable on the outside of the box coming into the house.


Haven't seen any trucks from AT&T in the neighborhood as I'm the only customer in my area with them using internet for about 5 miles.So it's definitely not busy as everyone has Charter around here.


And had thought about the heat and humidity but didn't know that it might actually cause an issue.And you know it' been brutal with heat and humidity hear for the last month or so.


Hopefully we'll get it sorted out as really not wanting to call a tech as I'm getting my speeds but everything seems to run and load really slow.

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There was some personal info in that link Fuzzy, so I deleted it.




Load the picture to the site and then copy the code for "BBB Forum" - That should host.

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There was some personal info in that link Fuzzy, so I deleted it.




Load the picture to the site and then copy the code for "BBB Forum" - That should host.

Thanks,yeah that wasn't suppose to get posted that was the screen shot of the PP  that was suppose to get posted but obviously that didn't happen,what the fuck





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Thanks again for looking at it Z,hopefully it will clear up.Otherwise I gotta call the damn ISP and that never really works out well for me... :D


And thanks JD for posting that for me,been up for about 36 hours now and am going to pass out,again thanks brother

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It looks like it could be a routing issue as the ping is stable over many hops in the tracert then jumps to 50ms.

Doing the same thing today,called and asked if they was a data center down as my geo location changed,it use to say my home town but now it gives my location in a town about 60 miles from me.Normally this wouldn't be an issue but it happens to coincide with the fact that my ping has has increased 20-30 ms since this happened.


Unfortunately I got the standard speech of reset your router and run a speed test,my speeds are fine which I told him at the beginning of the conversation.So he then decides to do a factory reset and I told him not to as I had another router in passthrough mode and it's kind of a pain in the ass to redo.So he said don't worry it won't change any of the settings,but I know if you restore the factory settings it will not have the duma in passthrough as I put it there,it didn't come like that from the factory.So again told him NOT to factory reset my router and guess what...yeah he did it anyway.And of course the duma was not in passthrough anymore.So as I'm expressing my displeasure with my new found BFF's decision to factory reset my router,he explain's to me that ping will have no effect on my gaming,it's speed that matters and then tries to upgrade me...LMAO,yes that really happened.


So needless to say I hung up,maybe I'll try to call back later when my blood pressure is under 200... :angry:

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It is unfortunate that most people that work in the networking field know nothing about it.


Ask if a route in their routing is playing up and have they changed routing while they fix it.


It is from the last ISP hop to the first hop of the destination IP's

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he explain's to me that ping will have no effect on my gaming,it's speed that matters and then tries to upgrade me...LMAO,yes that really happened.


wow. you've got to love ISP helpdesks

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It is unfortunate that most people that work in the networking field know nothing about it.


Ask if a route in their routing is playing up and have they changed routing while they fix it.


It is from the last ISP hop to the first hop of the destination IP's

So agree with you on that Z,I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to the technical shit but I'm always learning from you Yoda guys.But DAMN if my job is customer service with an ISP seems like they should at least know more than the customer calling... :huh:


And I asked all the right questions that we were talking about yesterday Z,but this guy had no idea about anything I was asking.Then when he factory reset my modem / router without my permission it was over as we all know I'm an asshole but didn't feel like getting into it with the guy,shocker right... ;)


And I explained exactly where the issue was hop wise and got nothing.So I figured if he wasn't understanding what I was trying to explain to him that it was better for everyone just to hang up.

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