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Xbox Live Party Chat

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Alright I have a new issue that I've been meaning to ask about for a while,


I can use my Netduma to find games in Destiny, and all is well on that front, but I am unable to connect to any party chat with friends through Xbox Live.  I use the default settings on the router for the most part, except that I set my Ping Assist at 30ms.  I disable the geofiltering, but that doesn't seem to help.


I'll be able to provide more details later, but I just wanted to get this posted before I forget again to see if anyone has experienced this or might know what's going on right away.



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Do you notice any padlocks or yellow triangles popping up on the geofilter when you try to connect to party chat? If so, it is the party server being blocked and what you want to do is (be quick about it) click on it and get the identification number and report it to Fraser (Netduma admin/developer) and he can fix it where it isn't blocked anymore.  

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Do you notice any padlocks or yellow triangles popping up on the geofilter when you try to connect to party chat? If so, it is the party server being blocked and what you want to do is (be quick about it) click on it and get the identification number and report it to Fraser (Netduma admin/developer) and he can fix it where it isn't blocked anymore.  

Interesting, thank you.  Is it something where nobody in my area has reported the party server, so it was never added?  I'm still trying to wrap my head around how all of this works, but it's been like drinking water through a fire hose.


I'll do this asap.

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Hard to say. But I can say this a lot of the power of the router is tied to the cloud capabilities of Netduma.  That is why you will see under Settings>Miscellaneous Enable Auto Cloud/Bleeding Edge Cloud.  These servers are dynamic and have to be updated quite a bit.  So if you ever see anything being blocked that should not be or if a server seems to not be in the right location based on the ping or distance-- report it to the Duma staff so the cloud can be updated.  Those id are ties to IP addresses but it would be detrimental for us to know the actual addresses.  You have some who would use them in a bad way if you get my drift.  


I wish the router could distinguish between gaming servers vs chat servers but it can't as of yet.  Therefore it is up to us to be the eyes for Neduma out in the wild.  

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Okay, without even joining or starting a party, I always have this padlock on my screen, and I don't know what it is:



Host Info:



I haven't blocked anything as of yet because, well.. I still don't know how.


I had my friend invite me to a party, and nothing new popped up on the map, and I still wasn't able to connect to it.

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I'm still trying to wrap my head around how all of this works, but it's been like drinking water through a fire hose.


That is hilarious haha. 


In regards to Destiny you should have strict mode off, does that resolve your issue?


Then make sure you've added your friends to the allow list http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000022357--with-the-geo-filter-how-do-i-play-with-friends-


I will check that ID tomorrow but it is probably one of the dedicated servers they use (they use a P2P/Dedicated hybrid system) so strict off should resolve your issue.

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That is hilarious haha. 


In regards to Destiny you should have strict mode off, does that resolve your issue?


Then make sure you've added your friends to the allow list http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000022357--with-the-geo-filter-how-do-i-play-with-friends-


I will check that ID tomorrow but it is probably one of the dedicated servers they use (they use a P2P/Dedicated hybrid system) so strict off should resolve your issue.

Here's my settings:



I've had strict off, and I even uncheck Enable which theoretically would allow anyone, and it still doesn't connect.


I tried having him connect to my party, and all that happened was as he connected, it said that I was connecting and failed like when I try to join his party.


Also, I never saw any new circles pop up on my map when I was trying to connect to the party.


Nothing about the router has worked very intuitively for me yet.  :/


EDIT:  The padlock seems to have disappeared for the first time in a while.  I don't know if that's something that you've changed or not, but it's gone.  A lot of seemingly random things happen.  Sometimes random squares and circles pop up on my map and they either stay or go away at odd times.


Example:  I'm doing nothing but starting a party by myself and these pop up:



Then, I leave the party, and they're still just...there.  I think this router is seeing ghosts tbh.  You think my Xbox is haunted?


Edit 2:  Now, they finally disappear, and I start another party on my own, but they don't come back.


I don't know if this helps or not, but my modem is an Arris SB6182.  Is it possible that the router is just not functioning correctly with my modem?


Edit 3:  Did some searching through the forums and found THIS thread.  The router he was using is one number off from what I'm using, so I'm leaning toward that maybe being the issue I'm having?  I never knew there was any difference in modems.  Do I need to put in an order for a new modem?  If so, what would you recommend?

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Definitely try this.  If you have a group of friends that you play with all the time. 


The issue with the router/modem compatibility that you mentioned is more of a issue where what you would get is a spike in your ping and the only resolution would be for you to reboot the modem or router.  And could be something you need to consider down the road -- Some other members will probably have some modems that they recommend. The only ones that worked for me was Zoomtel  5341J and TPlink 7610 (I'm currently rocking). But I am a cable internet customer and I can only speak for those routers specifically. 

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