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Internet speeds not reflecting what I have.


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Im Paying for 200 down and 20 up internet and with the netduma even when I put the congestion control at 100% for one of my electronics Im only getting maybe 8mbps down and not even 1mbps up and thats plugged directly into the router via Ethernet port. I plugged my old router back in and Im getting for the most part the speeds I am paying for so its not on the internet providers end. Is my router just a lemon?

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Did you set your bandwidth?


Do you have prioritisation reset equally and 'shared' checked Up + Down?


Have you enabled 'Turbo Mode' in 'miscellaneous settings'?

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi, welcome to the forum! I'll recommend that you read through this page, and follow the instructions therein: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lower


If none of the solutions on this page help you, then please get back to us so that we may support you further. :)

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Already did that unfortunately Everything was working fine one night speed wise I was in the middle of a stream then it seems like everything connection wise just crashed for no explainable reason. I tried resetting the router with no success and then I plugged my old router in and everything was fine not a lick of trouble. 

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  • Netduma Staff

Okay, ensure that all of these things are correct:

- Reactive Algorithm

- 100% anti-flood
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
- Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc
- Disable deep packet in misc
- Enable turbo mode
- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using connecting the R1 to hub & R1 to PC are Cat5e+/can handle your speeds.
If they are, test different ports in the back of your router; since the hardware is likely the cause of this. Also if you can, try a different ethernet cable.
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