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Power Cut

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Had a power cut a couple of weeks ago and I'm not sure if it's ruined the Netduma. I was having lag free games for a long time before the power cut but I never seem to have them anymore even when the ping is really low I get horribly laggy games on UFC and on FIFA. 


Did have an issue a while back where games were disconnecting on FIFA but that was before the power cut and it resolved itself, probably something at EA's end. 


I'm also having trouble with the WiFi, 3 times this week the WiFi has stopped working, when I go on my PC which is connected by ethernet and the internet works fine so I restart the router and the WiFi works again. I reckon this has happened 6 or 7 times since the power cut and I'd never experienced it once before that. 


When the power cut first happened the Netduma lost all of it's settings and it wasn't saving any of the settings when I was putting them back to how I prefer them, I did a factory reset and this seemed to solve that issue. 


Is it possible the power cut has stopped the Netduma performing as it should?

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Hi there.  When you say a power "cut" - do you mean that the power to your residence went out?  Or do you mean there was work "at your home or in your yard" that resulted in the power being disconnected.


Without boring everyone with too much information - If the power was cut, either by the power company or by something like a tree falling across some lines and ripping them to the ground, the energy would go to ground where that event happened, it won't randomly travel downstream and just erupt at some random point.  This can/will result in scorch marks, causing fires on dry trees and vegetation and sometimes electronics in the area can be affected, but this is pretty rare unless you have a line surge, which SHOULD be handled by your home's electrical panel.


On the flip side of that would be more of a self inflicted outage.  This is where someone is digging with some equipment and severs a line, or perhaps was pulling an RV into the side yard and ripped the wires down from the power mast.  These events are more common than most would think.  Now depending on the load on the line, and the conditions in place at the time of the line being compromised, IT'S POSSIBLE to see a surge of energy hit the house, but it's rare.


Have you noticed any other device in the house not working correctly or performing strangely after the power cut?  Because I would find it incredibly rare that only one, lone device with almost no power consumption would take the entire hit and be damaged.  Usually this time of surge will blow surge protectors to hell, give you some scorch marks around electrical plates, blow some/all of the breakers in your home, trip the GFI circuits.  


Electricity has one goal, and that is to get to ground.  In the event of a break or severing of the line, electricity is only concerned with getting to ground, so it doesn't single out a lone device and target it unless it literally is so close to the point of the break that is an immediate ground fault.  If this happens, you will know, there will be no question as the room will stink, there will most likely be singe marks and black streaks on walls/devices and I would honestly expect several devices to have covers askew or be blown wide open.


I would say pretty unlikely, but I can give you a few things to test if you have a couple of tools and are willing.


First, have you tried plugging the router into another outlet and re-powering it, going through the set up?

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  • Netduma Staff

I would re-iterate the above; power cuts shouldn't affect the Netduma since your electrical panel would handle power surges. The increased lag will likely be something to do with the settings having been reset on the router. You should put the Netduma onto the FIFA profile again to begin with. What kind of ping do you get when playing those games, and what settings is your Geo-filter set to?

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Hi there.  When you say a power "cut" - do you mean that the power to your residence went out?  Or do you mean there was work "at your home or in your yard" that resulted in the power being disconnected.


Without boring everyone with too much information - If the power was cut, either by the power company or by something like a tree falling across some lines and ripping them to the ground, the energy would go to ground where that event happened, it won't randomly travel downstream and just erupt at some random point.  This can/will result in scorch marks, causing fires on dry trees and vegetation and sometimes electronics in the area can be affected, but this is pretty rare unless you have a line surge, which SHOULD be handled by your home's electrical panel.


On the flip side of that would be more of a self inflicted outage.  This is where someone is digging with some equipment and severs a line, or perhaps was pulling an RV into the side yard and ripped the wires down from the power mast.  These events are more common than most would think.  Now depending on the load on the line, and the conditions in place at the time of the line being compromised, IT'S POSSIBLE to see a surge of energy hit the house, but it's rare.


Have you noticed any other device in the house not working correctly or performing strangely after the power cut?  Because I would find it incredibly rare that only one, lone device with almost no power consumption would take the entire hit and be damaged.  Usually this time of surge will blow surge protectors to hell, give you some scorch marks around electrical plates, blow some/all of the breakers in your home, trip the GFI circuits.  


Electricity has one goal, and that is to get to ground.  In the event of a break or severing of the line, electricity is only concerned with getting to ground, so it doesn't single out a lone device and target it unless it literally is so close to the point of the break that is an immediate ground fault.  If this happens, you will know, there will be no question as the room will stink, there will most likely be singe marks and black streaks on walls/devices and I would honestly expect several devices to have covers askew or be blown wide open.


I would say pretty unlikely, but I can give you a few things to test if you have a couple of tools and are willing.


First, have you tried plugging the router into another outlet and re-powering it, going through the set up?


My house got hit by lightening and man did you know it lol fried everything in my house that was plugged in.

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Sorry I took so long to reply I hadn't been playing for a while and forgot about it. 


Still lagging loads though even when the ping is 17ms to my opponent it's horrible to play. 


It was just a regular power cut, probably too much stuff switched on in the house and it's knocked the electrics off, pull the lever thing down and it comes back on, but it's not been right since it happened. 


My smart TV was acting up for a few days after it happened too but I did a factory reset and that seems fine now. 

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Okay, so this is more of a traditional "Blown Fuse" situation.  This happens from time to time, frequently though it happens at two times a year.  This means your panel is working as designed and the resulting fuse tripping means that is where the voltage went to avoid doing damage to most/all of your gear.


Winter, when everyone is plugging in space heaters, this is somewhat common and I think most people have experienced this condition.  Plug in that oil based heater and within a minute or two, the power goes out.  That circuit is over loaded, so you flip the breaker and hope for the best, or you move the heater to a different circuit in the house.


Summer.  This is much more common because as temperature increase, the resistance in the wiring INCREASES, which means it takes a little bit more to run the same devices.  Add a fan or an air conditioning unit and these combine to quickly blow fuses in most panels that are in the 10-20 Amp range.


Outside of fluke occurrences, I would say it's pretty hard to have this condition do any damage to a small load device like a router downstream, unless the router was the cause for the initial fault.  In that case, the router would be toast and you would know because that white case would most likely be blackened/discolored and it would smell something awful.

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Firstly check your ISP connection


Run a netduma network diagnostics or use ping plotter pro a free 14 day trail for a deep inspection.


You have to rule out starting from the source.

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  • Netduma Staff

21ms is very good. Was that what was shown on the duma ping? Was it spiking? Are you using congestion control with 70/70 anti-flood & console in hyper traffic?

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